Sound Design Sub-commission

Call for Proposals: Listen Hear 2019 in Prague Quadrennial

Feb 26, 2019

Application deadline extended to March 24!


The 2019 Prague Quadrennial is just around the corner—June 6-16, 2019!—and the Sound Design Sub-commission is gearing up for some exciting programming. One of our biennial activities is our Listen Hear gathering.

Listen Hear is a special program of the Sound Design Sub-commission in OISTAT that brings together sound artists, technicians and composers from all around world to share ongoing projects and research in the field of sound for the performing arts. The program started in 2013, and has become a staple at OISTAT Sound Design Sub-commission gatherings ever since. Listen Hear is named after former Sound Design Sub-commission Head Steven Brown’s website, as a tribute to his endless enthusiasm and support for bringing artists together in a celebratory environment.

We typically host our event in a bar or a restaurant, and combine food, drink and merriment with the evening’s schedule of brief talks and presentations. Our format is quite simple, and is modeled after the “Pecha Kucha” events that have become popular around the world: each presenter provides the organizer, Rick Thomas, with twenty slides that Rick will sequence into a PowerPoint presentation so that each slide automatically advances after twenty seconds. The entire presentation, then, lasts 6 minutes and 40 seconds (20 slides X 20 seconds = 400 seconds). The presenter may also provide a 6:40 soundtrack that Rick can insert into the PowerPoint. Keep in mind, however, that the entire PowerPoint presentation will play back automatically; once Rick starts the presentation, there will be no stopping or going back until the presentation has completed!

The presenter is encouraged to talk to the audience while the presentation plays, sharing the project in a highly informal style. Presentations may be on any subject related to sound for the performing arts, although we are particularly interested in what sorts of projects, ideas, explorations you are investigating at the current time. In order to participate, you must be a registered attendee at the Prague Quadrennial. If your proposal is accepted, we can send you a formal invitation in order to help you secure funding from your host country. Please let us know! However, OISTAT and the Sound Design Group will provide no funding to help defray any costs you incur by participating.

To present, please send an email to Rick Thomas before March 24, 2019 at zounds@purdue.edu indicating the proposed title of your presentation and a brief (25 – 50 word) description. Rick will notify presenters by April 1, 2019. You must email your presentation materials (20 PowerPoint slides, optional 6:40 soundtrack in WAV, AIFF, or MP3 format) by May 1, 2019. This year’s event will take place during the Prague Quadrennial on June 10, 2019. Exact time and location to be announced. For more information about the PQ, see https://www.pq.cz.

Download the full call in PDF