
Open Call: International Scenography Symposium of the Tbilisi Biennale of Stage Design 2020

Sep 21, 2020

More Information
October 26-28, 2020
Application deadline: September 27, 2020; 23:59 CET
Applications and all related questions should be directed to the following e-mail:
Inquiries can also be made at the following phone number
+995 555 23 15 77 (Tamara Janashia)
Symposium, which is to take place in the frames of the Tbilisi Biennale of Stage Design will focus on the following topics:
Artistic process

Pedagogic process

Research Process

Format of the symposium
Symposium will take place on October 26-28, 2020.
Due to the recent global development and restrictions imposed by new regulations regarding COVID-19 it will be exclusively conducted in an online format. It will unite three days of sessions, where each day will be dedicated to a specific listed in the above section.
The presentations of the speakers (up to six-seven persons a day, max. 2 hours) will be followed by discussions and Q&A sessions (up to one hour) related to the topics of the day. Each of the speakers will be given 15-20 minutes for presenting of their papers. All papers will be published on the website of the Biennale.
Who can apply
All interested persons (practitioners as well as theoretical researchers) working in the fields of theatre, cinema, television, theatre criticism, multimedia scenography, computer gaming.
Submission process
Application package must be submitted to the organizers of the Biennale in English.
It should contain the following documents:

Please indicate in the subject line: Tbilisi Biennale of Stage Design 2020_Symposium and the title of the suggested presentation/paper.
Authors of selected proposals will be invited for participation in online symposium. All applications must have a clear relation to one or more themes of the Biennale.
Final decision on the outcomes of the open call will be announced on October 2, 2020.
Tbilisi International Biennale of Stage Design 2020
In 2020 Tbilisi International Biennale of Stage Design is organized by the Valerian Gunia Union of Young Theatre Artists – OISTAT National Center of Georgia for the third time.
It was first launched in 2016 with participation of four countries – Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia and aims at creation of conditions for young stage designers to develop professionally, present their creativity and share new ideas; to create a new regional platform for exchange and presentation of information about modern trends and methods of scenography. This unique platform will enable young scenographers to present themselves and their projects, review and assess the ongoing process taking place in this specific field of art, share their creative ideas, participate in professional discussions, plan and develop joint projects.
Tbilisi Biennale of Stage Design 2020 will take place on October 18-28, 2020 and unite three main activities:
International exhibition of national and students’ expositions
Educational program MasterLab (lectures, master classes) and
Open forum/Symposium
International exhibition will take place physically at the Tbilisi History Museum Karavanserai (8 Sioni street, Tbilisi, Georgia). Educational program and an open forum/symposium of the Biennale will be held online.
Contact person
Nino Gunia-Kuznetsova
Director of Tbilisi Biennale of Stage Design
Executive Director of Valerian Gunia Union of Young Theatre Artists (YTA Union) – OISTAT National Centre of Georgia