
OISTAT Technology Commission in Vienna at MEET 2018

Feb 6, 2018

Save the Date
28.11. – 01.12.2018.

Dear members of OISTAT Technology Commission,

OISTAT Technology Commission will be holding its annual meeting and election in Vienna, Austria during our exhibition MEET 2018 from 28. November – 01. December 2018.

The official invitation will be sent out beginning of June 2018. For your information the preliminary program is devided in a conference part following 1 ½ days of excursions:
.28.11.2018      Arrival, hotel check in, invitation to the MEET Night incl. dinner & drinks
.29.11.2018      Morning: TC business meeting and election at the premises of the exhibition Afternoon:
                          tour of the MEET 2018 and company presentations (tbc)
                          incl. lunch & dinner
.30.11.2018      Excursion to “Linzer Musiktheater” in Linz incl. bus trip, lunch & dinner
                              organized by Waagner-Biro Austria Stage Systems AG
.01.12.2018      Morning: Visit of “Burgtheater” in Vienna incl. shuttlebus & lunch
                          organized by Bosch Rexroth GmbH
One official Technology Commission delegate per OISTAT center will be hosted as follows: 2 nights accommodation at Hotel Messe Prater Wien, also the program fee will be covered by OETHG, as well as other program costs. Additional nights and single room use are paid separately by the delegate. All other participants attending the meeting will be required to pay their own bills including a small program fee of € 200,00 p. p. including lunch, dinners & transportation.

We are already looking forward to seeing you in Vienna! Kind regards

Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Kossdorff                 Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bruno Grösel
President of OETHG                          Vice President of OETHG

Büro & Postanschrift:
                                       Telefon                                            UID Nr. ATU 40323501
OETHG                          + 43 (1) 505 51 18                           ZVR- Zahl: 810701640
Taubergasse 60         Mail: sekretariat@oethg.at      IBAN: AT62 4715 0301 8181 0001
A-1170 Wien                 www.oethg.at                               BIC: VBOEATWWNOM

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