
Invitation to the Joint Colloquium: Sevilla 16

Apr 10, 2016

Louis Janssen
International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians
April 10, 2016
Dear Louis,
it is with great pleasure that we extend our formal invitation to the Executive Committee, Governing Board, Architecture Commission and Space Design Group to hold their meetings in Sevilla from October 20 to 22, in the Auditorium Riberas del Guadaira.
One of the activities in the program is a joint colloquium, to which the members of the Architecture Commission and the Space Design Group will be specially invited, about Scenography in Found Spaces and which will include a performance by an independent theatre group in a found space on October 22, from 20:00 to 22:00 pm. We are also pleased to formally invite the leaders of OISTAT's Costume Design Group to make a presentation of the group's work on October 22 and to have a joint working meeting with our Association's Costume Design Group leaders to plan future joint activities, including the possible participation of OISTAT's Costume Design
Group in the III Conference of Scenography and Performance Plastic Arts organized by the CDN, Centro Dramático Nacional (National Drama Centre) in Madrid, in the Spring 2017.
Simultaneously it will be held the three-day Conference on Theatre Architecture in Andalucia from October 21 to 24 which due to the qualifications of the the speakers, the subjects of their presentations in the mornings, and the visits to theatres in the afternoons, we are sure that it will be a very exciting and successful conference.
Finally, we invite those of you that might attend, to the optional Tour to Mérida on October 24 where we will visit the Roman Theatre and the splendid Museum of Roman Art, designed by Rafael Moneo.
As you know, due to our financial restrains, the event is a low.budget event, so the participants will have to pay their travel expenses and stay in Sevilla.
Please find attached, for your information, the provisional program of Sevilla 16 as revised April 7 and in next days we will send you the information of the the hotels in Seville with which we have already made agreements.
The registration and hotels reservations will be handled through a Sevilla 16 web page that will soon be online and that will be managed by our technical secretariat.
We hope that OISTAT will help us to promote Sevilla 16 to ensure the widest possible diffusion of the event.
Looking forward to be your host in October 2016 in Sevilla,
best regards.

Download the Invitation in PDF