
2017 OISTAT Technology Commission Meeting Agenda

May 18, 2017

27th May 2017 – Novi Sad
12:30 – 14:30h
Scene laboratory “Borislav Gvojić”, Faculty of Technical Sciences
Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, Novi Sad
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Appoint Meeting Secretary
3. Minutes of 2016 Moscow meeting
4. Review of agenda for meeting
5. Topics:
     5.1 Technical Invention Prize, exhibition, catalogue and award ceremony
            – Loren Schreiber
     5.2 New Projects and Proposals – Ivo Kersmaekers
     5.3 WSD 2017, Taipei – Romana Bošković Živanović
6. Location of 2018 TC meeting 
Download the Agenda in PDF