
2013 OISTAT Technology Commission Meeting Minutes, September 11, 2013, Cardiff, UK

Sep 12, 2013

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Ivo Kersmaekers / Chair (BEL)
Bert Determann (NL)
Romana Boskovic (SRB)
Alexander Yakovlev (RU)
Karl Mickei (SRB)
Jennie Yeung (US)
Robert Hamilton (CA)
Gabrielle Högg (DE)
Law Kwok-Ho (HK)
Ulf Nielsen (SE)
Anders Larson (SE)
Hazem Shebl (EG)
Erik Westerlund (SE)
Idan J. Braslavi (IL)
Laura van Haperen (NL)
Torsten Nobling (SE)
Michael Ramsaur (US)
Tommy Wong
Gerry Van Hezewyk (CA)
Pu Lin (TW)

1.  Opening & Introductions

2.  Short presentation of OISTAT and TC to the new members by Ivo

3.  Technical Invention Prize- TIP
Ivo explains history of it. Romana (volunteer for organizing next TIP) informs about first steps made towards promotion of TIP. She and her colleague Karl Mickei (SRB, member of AC) have designed leaflets with some basic information and printed out 150 pieces (to be distributed during WSD).

Gabriela asks about deadline. Ivo tells that on WSD 2017 will be TIP ceremony and that timeline will be done soon.

4.  WSD 2013. Ivo summarizes what is going on WSD and how members of TC are involved, especially in Technical theatre.

5.  Standard Working Group.
Ivo:  more information coming soon.
Torsten: What is aim of this project?

Bert explains how it began.
Gabriela adds how it works on example of fire certificate. Question is how certifications can be compared and how to define it.

Ivo: confusing with applying standards is which one to choose.
Torsten: translation of standards from German to English??

Ivo is waiting for the project outline and good brief from Andreas (Bickei). Everything will be sent to all members by Ivo.

6.  Timeline group
Ivo presents shortly previous projects:

-   Shows information on the http://www.perspectiv-online.org/, a web site of PERSPECTIV - ASSOCIATION OF HISTORIC THEATRES IN EUROPE and explains specific routes (for ex. German rout) that could be found on that page.

-   Shows leaflet “visit theatres”.

-   TC and AC will organize a conference about the use of old machinery - “Wood and Canvas (and rabbit glue) in the Modern World” in Antwerp in June of 2014 (http://woodandcanvas.info.yorku.ca/ ).  How can we use old machinery nowadays, how old and new machinery can be used together...

-   Jerome M. is giving lecture “Saving 18th century theatres: The Bourla”-on Friday 13th of September

-   Ivo invites interested to join Timeline group.

-   Conference in Antwerp will be announced/scheduled in March.

7.  PQ 2015. Michael Ramsaur explains that relation between OISTAT and - PQ it’s not still defined. It is not clear if there will be any official OISTAT congress or meetings at the PQ 2015. Michael adds that Scenofest moved from PQ to WSD, and that PQ will announce more information at the end the month.

8.  Robert Hamilton summarizes all information about activities of Timeline group and announces theatre tour in Belgium and Netherlands.

9.  Stage-Set-Scenery 2015, Gabriela informs that Showtec changed name and venue. It will be in Berlin 9-11.June 2015, at the Messe Berli. The trade fair is organised by Messe Berlin GmbH and DTHG. The topic is Creative Place.

More information can be found on http://www.stage-set-scenery.de/

OISTAT Technology meeting will be held on April 9-12.2014. in Shangai.

Michael: contribution to the Technical theatre program in Shangai – preparing papers with useful information for trainers (How to teach technical theatre, especially stage hands?). More info coming soon.

Ivo concludes the meeting.