Member Activities

SENA 2020/2022 Online Forum

Sep 15, 2020

OISTAT is pleased to present “SENA 2020/2022 Online Forum” from October 9 to 13, 2020. With 20 sessions in 5 days, SENA 2020/2022 Online Forum will bring various aspects of theatre architecture, design, technology, education, and research in Southern Europe and Northern Africa. The online event is FREE and open to all OISTAT Members and guests. We sincerely invite you to join us and explore theatre culture in SENA region.

Register for Waitlist
*The date & time are in GMT, UTC+0, please check your time zone to ensure you are attending at the correct time.

Session Date Time Topic
Opening Session Oct 9 14:00 - 14:30 【Opening Session】SENA 2020/2022 Online Forum Opening
1 Oct 9 14:30 - 16:00 【Panel】A New Opera House at Egypt New Capital
2 Oct 9 16:00 - 18:00 【Panel】Spaces of Negotiation and the Audience Response, as
seen through the Summer Restart of Live Theatre and KYPRIA
International Festival in Cyprus
3 Oct 10 12:00 - 14:00 【Panel】Alternative Theatre, a conversation with Nora Amin, performer,
choreographer, writer and theatre director
4 Oct 10 14:30 - 16:00 【Round Table】Designers on Design – 25th Session
5 Oct 10 15:00 - 19:00 【Business Meeting】OISTAT Technology Meeting
6 Oct 10 16:00 - 18:00 【Business Meeting】OISTAT Sound Design Meeting
7 Oct 10 16:00 - 18:00 (Canceled)【Workshop / Demonstration】Egyptian Shadow Puppets
8 Oct 11 12:00 - 14:00 【Panel】The Persians – Livestreamed from the Ancient Theatre at
Epidaurus / Meet the Design Team
9 Oct 11 13:00 - 14:00 【Business Meeting】OISTAT Research Meeting
10 Oct 11 14:00 - 16:00 【Panel】Theatre Training in French-Speaking Regions
11 Oct 11 14:00 - 16:00 【Business Meeting】OISTAT Performance Design Meeting
12 Oct 11 16:00 - 18:00 【Panel】Sound Design Practice in Northern Africa
13 Oct 11 16:00 - 18:00 【Business Meeting】OISTAT Space Design Meeting
14 Oct 12 14:00 - 16:00 【Panel】Theatre Training in Southern Europe
15 Oct 12 14:00 - 16:00 【Business Meeting】OISTAT Lighting Design Meeting
16 Oct 12 16:00 - 18:00 【Panel】Costume Designers and Practice in the SENA Region
17 Oct 13 12:00 - 14:00 【Business Meeting】OISTAT Costume Design Meeting
18 Oct 13 14:00 - 16:00 【Round Table】The Mediterranean as a Mirror: Performance Designers
Reflect on their Heritage
Closing Session Oct 13 16:00 - 18:00 【Closing Session】SENA 2022 Exhibition & Forum Perspectives


【Opening Session】 2020/2022 Online Forum Opening
Oct 9, 14:00-14:30 (GMT, UTC+0)
--Bert Determann (The Netherlands) - OISTAT President
--Marina Raytchinova (Bulgaria) - OISTAT Executive Committee Member and Liaison of SENA 2020/2022
--Hazem Shebl (Egypt) - OISTAT SENA2020/2022 Project Leader
--Aby Cohen (Brazil) - Designer for Performance and Curator. OISTAT SENA2020/2022 Online Forum Coordinator 
Introduction and Presentation of OISTAT and SENA 2020/2022 Online Forum Program.

Session 1 -【Panel】A New Opera House at Egypt New Capital 
Oct 9, 14:30-16:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
Session 1 -【Panel】A New Opera House at Egypt New Capital 
Oct 9, 14:30-16:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
-- Gabriele Högg (Germany) - OISTAT Technology Commission Chair
--Tom Davis (UK) - Theatre Projects Director London 
-- Ulrike Schuch & Walter Weinwurm - Waagner Biro Stage systems
Challenges and solutions of building an opera house taking into account the influences of European and Northern African theatre culture.

Session 2 -【Panel】Spaces of Negotiation and the Audience Response, as seen through the Summer Restart of Live Theatre and KYPRIA International Festival in Cyprus

Oct 9, 16:00-18:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
Organizing Coordinator: 
--Marina Maleni (Cyprus) - Theatre and Communication Specialist, Theatre Development Officer, Cyprus Theatre Organisation, CYCSTAT Secretary of the Board
--Aby Cohen (Brazil) - Performance Designer and Curator. OISTAT SENA2020/2022 Online Forum Coordinator 
--Andy Bargilly (Cyprus) - Scenographer, Artistic Director KYPRIA International Festival, Honorary President of CYCSTAT
--Georgios Koukoumas (Cyprus) - Lighting Designer, Chief Light Designer, Cyprus Theatre Organisation, President of CYCSTAT
--Marina Maleni (Cyprus) - Theatre and Communication Specialist, Theatre Development Officer, Cyprus Theatre Organisation, CYCSTAT Secretary of the Board
The panel aims to explore the current situation (due to pandemic) of live theatre and festivals focused on the Cyprus experience. The spaces of negotiation as the relationship between the stage and audience space new rules and how both - artists and Audience are responding to it. The organizational challenges. The overview not only from designers' perspective, but theatre/performance makers, dramaturgs, followed by an open discussion, bringing different perspectives of the situation, but also recording the different situations the theatre is faced in different countries at the time. How directors, designers, dramaturges are adapting to todays' challenges and for the future, as well how the artists and audience are reacting to today's propositions of space and staging.  Participants may share a specific challenge they were faced with in restarting, as well as a brief overview of the framework in which live performances are allowed in their countries.

Session 3 -【Panel】Alternative Theatre, a conversation with Nora Amin, performer, choreographer, writer and theatre director

Oct 10, 12:00-14:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
--Kate Burnett (UK) OISTAT Research Commission Chair
--Nora Amin (Egypt / Germany) Founder and artistic director of Lamusica Independent Theatre Group. Performer, choreographer, writer, theatre director and scholar.

Session 4 -【Round Table】Designers on Design – 25th Session
Oct 10, 14:30-16:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
--Dinesh Yadav (India / USA) - OISTAT Lighting Design Sub-commission Chair
Designers on Design was instigated by Dinesh Yadav (Lighting Design Sub-commission Chair) in the month of April 2020, as a mean to stay connect with peers during the pandemic, soon it did become a platform to share works, ideas, process, and even teaching with the larger theatre community through synchronous meeting and recorded sessions on Facebook. In the past five months, twenty-four designers across the globe have shared their knowledge on this platform. The panelists so far in Designers on Design will be invited to a moderated discussion about the experiences and the future of this series.  

Session 5 -【Business Meeting】OISTAT Technology Meeting
Oct 10, 15:00-19:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
--Gabriele Högg (Germany) - OISTAT Technology Commission Chair

Session 6 -【Business Meeting】OISTAT Sound Design Meeting
Oct 10, 16:00-18:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
--Joe Pino (USA) - OISTAT Sound Design Sub-commission Chair

(Canceled) Session 7 -【Workshop / Demonstration】Egyptian Shadow Puppets
Oct 10, 16:00-18:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
***This session has been canceled due to program changes.

Session 8 -【Panel】The Persians - Livestreamed from the Ancient Theatre at Epidaurus / Meet the Design Team
Oct 11, 12:00-14:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
--Fiona Watt (UK) -OISTAT Space Design Sub-commission Co-Chair 
Meet with the creative team of Greek designers for The Persians, staged at Epiduarus and live streamed around the world for the first time from this venue as part of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival.

Session 9 -【Business Meeting】OISTAT Research Meeting
Oct 11, 13:00-14:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
--Kate Burnett (UK) OISTAT Research Commission Chair
--Carl Walling (USA) OISTAT Research Commission Vice Chair

Session 10 -【Panel】Theatre Training in French-Speaking Regions (***This session will be conducted in French***)
Oct 11, 14:00-16:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
--Chris Van Goethem (Belgium) - OISTAT Education Commission Vice Chair
--Tarik Ribh (Maroc) - Scénographe/Chercheur
--Mr.Djamal Abdelli (Algérie) - Directeur technique et artistique
--Laurence Vasseur (France) - Responsable international CFPTS, Paris 

Session 11 -【Business Meeting】OISTAT Performance Design Meeting
Oct 11, 14:00-16:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
--Rob Eastman-Mullins (USA) - Scenographer and Professor at Wake Forest University. OISTAT Performance Design Commission Chair and OISTAT Space Design Sub-commission Co-chair

Session 12 -【Panel】Sound Design Practice in Northern Africa
Oct 11, 16:00-18:00 (GMT, UTC+0)
--Bassam Yaqout (Egypt) - Senior Sound Designer/Engineer & Scenographer (Set &Lighting Designer)
--Hussien Sami-  Sound Desinger /Egypt 
--Mafdy Thabet-  Sound Designer /Egypt 
More Information Coming Soon

Session 13 -【Business Meeting】OISTAT Space Design Meeting
Oct 11, 16:00-18:00
--Fiona Watt (UK) -OISTAT Space Design Sub-commission Co-Chair

Session 14 -【Panel】Theatre Training in Southern Europe
Oct 12, 14:00-16:00
--Chris Van Goethem (Belgium) - OISTAT Education Commission Vice Chair
--Umberto Belodi (Italy) - International officer academia alla scala milan 
--Olivera Gracanin (Serbia) - Professor and European project expert
--Aleix Soler Castañe (Barcelona) - Teacher at  INSTITUT DEL TEATRE

Session 15 -【Business Meeting】OISTAT Lighting Design Meeting
Oct 12, 14:00-16:00
--Dinesh Yadav (India / USA) - OISTAT Lighting Design Sub-commission Chair

Session 16 -【Panel】Costume Designers and Practice in the SENA Region
Oct 12, 16:00-18:00
--Sofia Pantouvaki (Greece) - OISTAT Costume Design Sub-commission Vice Chair
Costume designers from Morocco, Egypt, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Serbia, Spain and Turkey.
A moderated roundtable discussion between costume designers from the countries of the Southeast European and North African region. The discussion will focus on costume design professional practice and costume designers' education in this region: successes, good practices, challenges, solutions, international perspectives and activities.

Session 17 - 【Business Meeting】OISTAT Costume Design Meeting
Oct 13, 12:00-14:00
--Simona Rybáková (Czech Republic) - OISTAT Costume Design Sub-Commission Chair

Session 18 -【Round Table】The Mediterranean as a Mirror: Performance Designers Reflect on their Heritage

Oct 13, 14:00-16:00
--Rob Eastman-Mullins (USA) - Scenographer and Professor at Wake Forest University. OISTAT Performance Design Commission Chair and Space Design Sub-commission Co-chair.
--Tarik Ribh (Morocco) - Scenographer
--Sofia Pantouvaki (Greece) - Scenographer
--Georgios Koukomas(Cyprus) - Lighting Designer 
--Bassam Yaqout (Egypt) - Sound Designer
--Eufrasio Lucena Muñoz (Spain) - Scenic & Lighting Designer
--Badr Merdassi (Tunisia) - Student Translator of Arabic & French         
Join a cross-section sample of performance designers as they showcase some of their work and discuss the influences their homeland and region has had on the art they create for live performance. Designers from Morocco, Spain, Greece, Egypt, and Cyprus represent space, costume, sound, and lighting design in this virtual roundtable session from the Performance Design Commission.

Closing Session - SENA 2022 Exhibition & Forum Perspectives
Oct 13, 16:00-18:00
--Aby Cohen (Brazil) - Performance Designer and Curator. OISTAT SENA2020/2022 Online Forum Coordinator 
--Hazem Shebl (Egypt) - OISTAT SENA2020/2022 Project Leader
--All the Participants
Closing session of the event with the participation of Hazem Shebl (OISTAT Egypt) and the collaboration of all participants in an open round table to celebrate the opportunities that OISTAT members and guests had to meet in 2020, also to reflect on relevant proposals for the SENA 2022.


  • SENA 2020/2022 Online Forum will take place on Zoom. Click here to see how to use zoom.
  • You will receive a link, meeting room ID and password to online meeting room from OISTAT Headquarters.
  • Enter to the room with internet connection 5 minutes before each session. Use the web-version or download the app on your mobile phone/laptop beforehand.
  • Speakers and microphones are required if you wish to participate in discussion.