
Call for Candidates for President and Executive Committee

Oct 18, 2024

Dear Colleagues, 

The call for nominations is now open for the positions of President and Executive Committee members for the period 2025-2029. Nomination deadline is January 18, 2025. OISTAT Centres, Associate Members and Individual Members are entitled to nominate candidates. The election will take place at the next OISTAT World Congress during World Stage Design 2025, scheduled for October 18-25, 2025 where OISTAT Centre voting delegates, Associate Member representatives and Individual Members will elect one President and seven Executive Committee members to lead OISTAT for a four-year term 2025-2029. 

Nomination from OISTAT Centres must include:
.A letter of nomination from the Centre
.Candidate’s CV with photo and contact information
.Candidate’s statement of intent

Nomination from Associate Members and Individual Members must include:
.A letter of nomination from a group of 10 Associate Members, 10 Individual Members or a combination of both
.Candidate’s CV with photo and contact information
.Candidate’s statement of intent
Please note that the candidate needs to be financially able to attend two international meetings each year.

Nomination Deadline
Please send the nomination documents for the President and/or Executive Committee members to the Headquarters no later than January 18, 2025 via email to: headquarters@oistat.org. Incomplete nomination documents will NOT be taken into consideration. 

Please find the current OISTAT Statutes regarding rules for the election below. 

Article VIII

These voting rules apply to all official OISTAT business, i.e. elections for President, EC and Commission Chairs, voting in Congress and in Commissions. In cases where Commissions vote on internal Commission affairs, the Commission can set their own voting rules.

1. OISTAT Centres have one vote.
2. Individual and Associate Members have 1/10 of a vote.
3. If there are more than 10 Individual Members within a region, each of them will have a fractional vote. The sum of votes of Individual Members in a region will not exceed a full vote. For example, if there are 11 Individual Members in a region, each of them will have 1/11 of a vote.
4. If there are more than 10 Associate Members within a region, each of them will have a fractional vote. The sum of votes of Associate Members in a region will not exceed a full vote. For example, if there are 11 Associate Members in a region, each of them will have 1/11 of a vote.

Article XII

2. Any member of OISTAT is eligible to be elected in the EC.

Article XIII

4.    Any member of OISTAT is eligible to be elected President.


A general schedule for elections which ensures continuity and complies with the Statutes shall be made by the Executive Committee.

1. At least one year before a Congress, the Executive Committee shall request all the OISTAT Centres, Individual Members and Associate Members, in writing, to nominate candidates for the post of President.
2. Within three months of the invitation any OISTAT Centre, Individual Member or Associate Member wishing to nominate should send their candidates' names to the EC, together with any further information requested by the EC. OISTAT Centres have the right to nominate candidates who are not members of their own organization.
3. The EC will appoint one or more persons who will personally contact each candidate and establish:
 * what languages the candidate speaks,
 * whether the candidate has sufficient financial support,
 * whether the candidate has sufficient time to work for OISTAT, 
 * how the candidate views OISTAT, its policies and its future. 
4. Having interviewed the candidates, the EC will make the list public within eight months from the date when the invitation to propose candidates was sent.
5. After the names of the candidates have been made public, they shall be entitled to attend meetings of the EC until the next Congress. They shall have access to the same information as the members of the EC, and be subject to the same conditions as the members of the EC.
6. During the Congress, each of the candidates will be given the opportunity to address Congress for up to 15 minutes to explain what views he/she has on the function of the President and on the future of OISTAT.
7. Voting for the President is by secret ballot. 
8. The voting is supervised by a voting commission. The voting commission consists of three members of OISTAT who are not personally voting in the election.
9. The new President must receive more than half of the votes cast.
10. If such a result is not obtained in the first ballot, a second election will be held between the two persons who have received the highest number of votes.
11. Should two persons have equally received the second highest number of votes a ballot shall first be held between these two.
12. Should more than two persons have the highest number, the election process will be commenced again.
13. If the votes should be equally divided in this subsequent ballot, then it shall be decided by the EC.  

1. OISTAT Centres Individual Members and Associate Members can propose a candidate to be elected to the EC. A voting commission is appointed before the voting begins. The voting commission consists of three members of OISTAT who are not personally voting in the election.
2. Voting takes place by secret ballot. The voting commission prepares the ballot papers. The names of the candidates are listed in alphabetical order on the ballot papers.
3. Each voting delegate of an OISTAT Centre, Individual Members and Associate Members, receives a ballot paper from the voting commission and casts seven votes by marking the names of seven candidates. Only one ballot paper can be cast per OISTAT Centre, Individual Member or Associate Member. Ballots that do not meet this condition shall be declared void.
4. The ballots will be collected by the voting commission and the votes cast counted. 
5. If two or more nominees have received an equal number of votes, resulting in a tie for the final places, then a re-election will take place between those nominees with an equality of votes. This vote will again take place by means of ballot papers, and be conducted by the voting commission.   

Download complete OISTAT Statutes

Shall there be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Headquarters: headquarters@oistat.org


Aby Cohen

Executive Director
Wan-Jung Wei
