Date: March 8, 2021
Format: Zoom
Chair of Sub Commission/Facilitator: Simona Rybáková (Czech Republic)
Assisted by Vice Chairs Rosane Muniz (Brazil) and Sofia Pantouvaki (Greece/Finland)
Minutes taken by Laura Crow (USA), edited by Margaret Mitchell (USA)
Simona Rybáková welcomed the members.
OISTAT PD/CD Website Update
Margaret Mitchell (USA) is working with OISTAT to revise the new OISTAT Costume Design section of the reformatted website.
- The link to the older website (used by the group before OISTAT created its own) was closed because it was not being used. Laura Crow will find out how to re-establish the link because it has some good information on it, and we would still like to have the working link.
- Margaret and Simona asked for members to send new of updated and current work for a new photo gallery on the site. Margaret will send out a call through Basecamp with details. Each designer should send a maximum of three images with designer and photographer credits and any other needed credits. It is best to send them as jpeg or png files. Designers may also send a resume document. Please send photos to the Weiping’s email:
- It was suggested that images could also be uploaded to Basecamp until OISTAT site is updated.
Rosane Muniz (Brazil) gave a demonstration about how to work with Basecamp. She asked members unfamiliar with Basecamp to explore how it works because this is our main method of communication and important information will be there about our activities.
- Rosane reminded the group that everyone can see all comments on Basecamp so no personal statements; it is a public forum.
- Rosane suggested using the “to do” feature.
- Rosane explained the folders on Basecamp.
- Rosane asked for members to share information and upload the following materials on Basecamp (Members may submit in any language. It will be translated.) :
-Costume design research projects
-Accessible books on internet about costume
-Guidelines for working in person during COVID-19 how to use masks, PPE, disinfectants
Discussion of Minutes
- Most current minutes are on Basecamp. Sometimes things on the OISTAT site will not be updated until website is finished.
- Basecamp is for active members. We have 300 names on our mailing list, but we have fewer active members.
World Stage Design (WSD)
(There is a Basecamp folder for WSD.)
- World Stage Design will be in Calgary, Alberta, Canada ,Aug 6-16 in 2022.
- Due to the pandemic WDS was postponed one year from 2021.
- April Viczko, WSD director, will send active communications on Basecamp. Look for Official notices from WSD on Basecamp All new uploads about WSD progress will be sent to everyone via Basecamp by e-mail.
We discussed our proposals for WSD 2022 and we found that a lot of work was done last year already. We decided to place all of our ideas and proposals in Basecamp in order to share them and give everyone a chance to see which topics are already proposed. Members who have already formulated a proposal (last year) can revise and update it; or, all members can create new ones!
We are discussing the best and most effective way of our planning communications, and therefore, we propose the following timetable for our meetings and deadlines between now and the OISTAT online Congress on October 8-13, 2021:
- April 26th: deadline for sending WSD proposals to Basecamp in the format WSD requires:
Please open the form titled “WSD 2022 Workshops, Masterclasses, Panels, Activities for Community Engagement or Families’, copy the fields required and fill in the info in a Word document that you will place on Basecamp.
- We will not have a Zoom meeting together in April (as mentioned in our meeting).
- May 24th: ZOOM meeting to see and finalize all proposals for WSD 2022. We will also talk about our program for the OISTAT online Congress October 2021 and other future plans.
- June 1st: deadline for sending proposals to WSD: The Costume Sub-commission leadership will send all of our proposals together to the WSD planning team.
- We will send our proposals as one unit for WSD to decide. We are responsible for not having duplicate proposals.
- Panels of 3 persons are optimal since there is only 1 hour per presentation.
- Submission deadlines for the professional and student exhibitions will be posted on Basecamp.
- Weiping Chen shared a call she put out on Basecamp for photos of members in masks and audio recordings related to working during COVID-19. These will be used in promotional materials for WSD.
- Some members of our sub commission have already submitted ideas , for example:
-Maarit Kalmakurki (Finland) has a workshop proposal posted already.
-Donatella Barbieri (UK) has put in a proposal.
-There is a proposal of a panel from Sofia Pantouvaki (Greece/Finland).
-Rosane Muniz (Brazil) has committed to host a Round Table for Indigenous Peoples.
-Simona Rybáková (Czech) with Barbora Příhodová (Czech , USA) plan the panel Costume in Dialog
-We want to have a wide representation together. We have a diverse group giving proposals. Members should encourage others to join us. Members should personally connect with newcomers to this group. There is never a desire to say “no” to anyone.
-We encourage participation in Calgary at WSD August 2022.
-WSD team will make the final decision about programming.
The WSD Design Exhibition and Competition Information
- Entries must be designs for productions over last four years.
- Each person can send as many entries as they wish, with a separate fee for each entry.
- Designers should remember to credit photographer, and other collaborators.
- Interviews and PowerPoint presentations about the work of artists are encouraged.
- Submission Deadline: June 15, 2021.Submission Cost: $30 USD per submission. Please check the currency exchange rate with your banking institution. Should any applicant have difficulties with online application please contact for assistance.
OISTAT WORLD CONGRESS is planned for Oct 8-13 ,2021
- There are many decisions to be made about the Congress, but it has been decided to keep it online.
- Many costume people are up for election. Members stated that the Costume Sub Commission needs a stronger voice on the board, and we should support our members; however, Bert explained the rules about this (See bullet point five in the minutes below.)
- For President:
Gregor Sturm (Germany), Costume Designer (Simona reminded us that he broke his arm in Taiwan and needed to return home, so he asked Rosane to present his costume paper for him and she did so.)
Aby Cohen (Brazil), Set Designer
- For the Executive Committee:
Sofia Pantouvaki (Greece/Finland), Costume Designer
Lise Klitten (Denmark), Costume Designer, Scenographer
April Viczko (Canada), Scenographer
Greetings and Report from Bert Determann (Netherlands), President of OISTAT
Bert was welcomed to the meeting. Bert discussed the upcoming elections.
- OISTAT will prepare online presentations of candidates running for office.
- There will also be some informal time for the candidates to speak.
- Everyone deserves a fair chance for a fair presentation.
- Short moderated live interviews are a nice complement to prepared speeches.
- Commission members cannot actively campaign for favorites in commission activities.
- There should be the same time for presentation for every candidate.
- Lesser active commissions are at a disadvantage.
- Promotion should be through the government of OISTAT.
Bert discussed the World Congress:
He expressed his disappointment that the Congress could not meet in person, but it is
better to keep elections on schedule.
- An online World Congress is the only way to present ourselves at this time. Many people are working hard to create a successful online World Congress.
- An online Congress Meeting is needed for business, but we need plans for outside activities also. Bert stated organizers are trying to make it a “sexy” event and a branding event.
- There is a desire to work for more visibility among next generation, and an online platform is more accessible and more inclusive.
- A meeting via Zoom does not require expensive travel and is better for young artists.
- There is a desire for presentations and meetings with less business and more visuals.
- Successful presentations may be repeated.
Time Zone Issues for a Global Conference
OISTAT will set up highlighted programming in “The Golden Time Zone”, a time when the most people around the world can attend.
- Other events will be at different times.
- OISTAT World Congress organizers are working to make a good schedule with few conflicting programs.
- Programs will be planned for one-hour presentations.
- Programming will be targeted for different people &international time zones.
- There is a possibility to have repeated recorded sessions at another time for different time zone.
- Two days are planned for commission meetings.
- We have 2 costume meetings planned:
-1 early in the program to introduce the costume sub-commission
-1 later with more entertainment, fun, and planning for the future
- Aby Cohen (Brazil) spoke as she, Marina Raytchinova (Bulgaria), and Bert (Netherlands) are working on the details for OISTAT World Congress programming.
Everyone is excited to have new faces in leadership and we are hoping for a renewed energy for OISTAT. Bert stated the Congress will have new artists just starting professional careers, as well as experienced OISTAT members. He wishes for activities to be good for the whole group, and he wants OISTAT to be attractive for new members with special sessions.
- OISTAT is reaching out for cultural inclusion. Virtual meetings make that easier.
- SCENA (Southern European and Northern African OISTAT) still plans for a meeting in Egypt, perhaps 2-8thJanuary 2022, but this not confirmed due to the current political climate in Egypt.
- Our Mexican colleagues wish to have an international costume event in May, 2022. The Costume Sub Commission leadership is in contact with them and planning for a symposium and exhibition has begun with a big hope the attendees will be physically present.
- Bert talked about the history of leadership for OISTAT.
- Votes for officers are held every 4 years. There is a two-term limit.
- Historically, voting happened in Prague at the Quadrennial. Later OISTAT shifted elections every four years, with a connection to WSD.
- WSD is supported by a new country every 4 years, which takes the burden off of Prague.
Bert discussed how we vote:
- Each OISTAT center has a vote.
- Each individual member has 1/10 of a vote. Individual members are from countries with no OISTAT office. Also, sometimes there are two organizations within one country.
- It takes 10 members to form a national office and dues annually are $500 USD.
- A member with 1/10 of a vote will pay 1/10 that amount = $50.00 USD.
- Architecture commission did a virtual vote last year. It worked very well, so it can be secure.
- Anat Mesner (Israel) has a big exhibition based on her exhibition at PQ. They have done a video. Check her website to see it.
- ChrisiKarvonides-Dushenko (USA) did a large workshop for 60 persons about design for Television and Film for Mexico’s Costume association Vestuario a Escena MX to raise money for their program. It was 4 Saturdays in February. It was an excellent program/amazing visual research, designs. Members are wondering if she could make a short video to share or to sell.
- Igor Roussanoff (Ukraine/USA) reported on the Costume at the Turn of the Century exhibition. Sadly, the big exhibition in New York is postponed due to COVID. The exhibition was traveling to Chile and was also canceled due to COVID. The next exhibition may be Calgary in 2022. Igor is in contact with the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio, Texas, (USA) as a possible venue.
Good news – Poland expanded the catalogue that now has 300 pages with new additions. Contact PawełDobrzycki (Poland) to buy a copy. They can ship overseas or overland.
Simona thanked everyone for attending.