
2012 EC Meeting Schedule, Cairo, Egypt

Feb 24, 2012

May 4
-EC meeting (day one)

 Introduction of OISTAT/ Louis Janssen
 Introduction of OISTAT projects (World Scenography/ Louis Janssen, Digital Theatre Words/ Jerome Maekelbergh, World Stage Design/Michael Ramsaur)

-Opening of the Egyptian Scenography Exhibition

May 5
-EC meeting (day two)

-Concert in the Cairo Opera House

May 6
-Presentations by Egyptian Theatre Professionals

-OISTAT Presentations
 Louis Janssen/ Modern theaters of the 21st century
 Richart Bauer/ Theatre Technical Training in Scandinavia
 Michael Ramsaur/Lighting Design Techniques for Musical Theatre

May 7
-OISTAT Presentations
 Duncan Chang/ LED Technology on the stage
 Bert Determann/ Scenery Methods
 Wei-Wen Chang/From Ritual to Theatre
 Jerome Maekelbergh/ Low-budget Scenery Design

-Dance Performance by local acting program students

May 8
-Lighting Design Workshop
-Digital Theatre Words working session
-Visit to the Khaanil-Khaliili market
-Visit Shebl Hazem’s stage design

May 9
Departure Day