
Call for Papers: Drawing and Performance: Creating Scenography

May 11, 2021

Following the online international conference Drawing and Performance: Creating Scenographyorganised by the Institute of Ethnomusicology – Center for Studies in Music and Dance (INET-md), we are calling all who wish to submit their papers for the upcoming peer-reviewed Ebook
It is our aim to gather such diversity of format and content as presented at the conference and include further reflection which might be developed in the field of drawing and performance, drawing as performance and drawing for scenography. The forthcoming e-volume invites different formats as described below.



Scenographers use drawing as an expressive and communication tool in rehearsal and in performance. They use it as a record of a thinking process and an instrument for reflection. Drawing allows discussion, experiment and error and serves as a register of the creative process for all involved.
This e-publication aims at reflecting upon the artistic and pragmatic relationship scenographers, directors and choreographers have with drawing as a device for creating the space and time of performance, figure and costume in movement, and as mediator between the bodies of performers on stage and the drawer’s page. 

We welcome developed submissions on any of the following subjects:



Papers can be developed into either a essay of 3000-4000 words or a visual essay, taking advantage of drawing research and practice. 
Please note that visual essays should be accompanied by a shorter written reflection of up to 2000 words which can contextualise them within the scope of the volume’s subject. Both formats will be subject to double peer-review.

Essay guidelines:

Visual essay guidelines:

– Up to 1500-2000 words including abstract, notes and bibliography;


Any queries and submissions should be sent to: drawingandperformance@gmail.com





Kate Burnett | Curator, theatre designer and educator | Director, Society of British Theatre Designers 
Sofia Pantouvaki | Scenographer, PhD | Professor of Costume Design | Costume in Focus research group leader Aalto University; Helsinki, Finland | Editor, Studies in Costume and Performance 
Filipa Malva | Scenographer | Senior researcher at INET-md, Dance Research Group, FMH-UL | Post Doc fellow for FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal


Publication supported by

INET-md, FMH, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Fundation for Science and Technology – FCT, Portugal