
2018 Candidate Slate of OISTAT Publication & Communication Commission Chair

Mar 9, 2018

Dear Members,

Election for OISTAT Publication & Communication Chair will take place during the 2018 OISTAT Publication & Communication commission meeting in Cardiff, UK, on August 30, 2018, during the 50 years Anniversary of OISTAT.

This year, Carl Walling, our current Chair of OISTAT Publication & Communication commission will step down. We would like to thank Mr. Carl Walling for his hard works that carried out new PCC initiatives. The Headquarters has received three nominations: Mr. Hubert Eckart (Germany) from DTHG, individual member Mr. Cyril Lamy (France) and Mr. Brad Caleb Lee (USA) from SBTD. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our candidates below.

Thank you for your support of OISTAT. We look forward to seeing you at OISTAT Publication & Communication meeting this year!

   Candidates: (one to be elected, in alphabetical order of last name)
       Hubert Eckart

   Statement of Intent
   Nominated by: DTHG Letter
        Cyril Lamy
   France/Individual Member

   Statement of Intent
   Nominated by: Jean-Guy Lecat Letter
       Brad Caleb Lee

   Statement of Intent
   Nominated by: SBTD Letter


Wan-Jung Wei
Executive Director

International Organisation of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians
Organisation Internationale des Scenografes, Techniciens et Architectes de Theatre
Suite L, Center for Innovation Taipei (CIT), No.1, Yumen St., Taipei 10452, Taiwan
Tel: +886 2 25962294  Fax: +886 2 25981647
Web: www.oistat.org  Email: headquarters@oistat.org