
Arts Back to Its People

Feb 24, 2015

2014 Symposium - Cultural Landmark & Its Communities
 Panel Discussion: How Much Power is Power?

Civic engagement has changed the game of politics in many countries and helped shape policies. When it comes to art strategy, is it time for policy-makers to release some power back to its beneficiaries, the people? How difficult is it to find a balance or to present the spectrum of the society? Will it be an advantage or obstacle when people have ownership of the policy of their contribution?

Four panelists, each from different backgrounds including government sector, art center, grassroots performing art group, and A Cappella group, share their thoughts on “how much power is power” in art strategy.
Kathy Hong (TW) / Executive Director of OISTAT

Jane Crawley (AU)  / Manager of Arts & Culture, City of Melbourne
Austin Wang (TW) / Director of Taipei Performing Arts Center
Rong-Yu Wang (TW) / Founder and Artistic Director of Golden Bough Theatre
Wu-Ming Chen (TW) / Executive Officer of Vocal Asia
Download complete panel summary here.