
2023 Architecture Commission Online Meeting Minutes, January 20

Jan 31, 2023


1.1    This meeting was held on-line.

1.2    The following participated in the video conference meeting using ‘Zoom’ technology:

OISTAT Head Quarters:
Szuyun Yu    OISTAT Taiwan    

Members and Guests:
Tim Carey    USA    
Debbie Clark    UK    
Greg Cook    USA 
Ivo Kersmaekers    Netherlands  
Tim Foster    UK (vice-chair)    
Jerome Maeckelbergh    Belgium   
Umberto di Nino    Individual (Italy)    
Torsten Nobling    Sweden (vice-chair)    
Peter Ruthven Hall    UK (vice-chair)    
Maaike Westinga    Netherlands (chair)    
Selma Goker Wilson    USA  

Reinhold Daberto    Germany    
Anne Minors    UK  
Jeong-Sik Yoo    Individual-Korea (vice-chair)   

As this was an on-line meeting this is a record of those that joined the meeting for part of it, if not for the full duration. These contact details will be added to the OISTAT circulation list for the Architecture Commission. Anyone wishing to be added to this list or to update their details can email OISTAT HQ with a request. If any address above is incorrect, please inform Peter Ruthven Hall.

1.0    WSD CALGARY (Alberta, Canada) August 2022
The video presentations from the entries and the jury report have been shared and will be posted on line on the OISTAT website: www.oistat.org/commissions.php?mode=Architecture

2.0    REPORT OF THE CALGARY MEETING AND TOUR (Alberta, Canada) August 2022
A description of the tour will be posted on the OISTAT website: www.oistat.org/commissions.php?mode=Architecture

TAC (Theatre Architecture Competition) 2025

Maaike will visit Sharjah in February 2023 as part of a meeting of chairs of OISTAT commissions. She aims to find a suitable site for the TAC competition 2025.

Tim suggested adopting an old building rather than proposing new construction. Also, that the project needs someone who can assemble survey, site photos and local information. It is worth discussing how to judge the entries – costs and time. A smaller number of entries could be assessed on-line; a larger number would need attendance.

Selma offered a contact who has worked in Sharjah who could suggest places to visit.

Reinhold, Anne and Maaike are leading on this but would welcome your input.

PQ (Prague Quadrennial) 2023
PQ: 8-18 June 2023
OISTAT Hub and Commission Meetings: 10-15 June 2023
Architecture Commission Meetings: date to be confirmed (10-15 June)

Maaike, Tim and Thorsten reported on developing ideas.

14 June 2023 Multidisciplinary Workshop
The aim is to promote collaboration with other OISTAT commissions. Based on a workshop held in Sweden in 2008 at a joint meeting of Scenography and Architecture, the idea to bring together all disciplines in an half-day workshop (morning or afternoon to be confirmed). This could begin with a provocation and Tim has asked Dorita Hannah to introduce the session. Potentially 6 groups collaborating across 8 disciplines.

Tim will write an introduction, Maaike will send this to the other commissions to find participants.

15 June 2023 Flash Talks
Here is the link for the call for the Theatre & Architecture Working Group flash talks event on 15th June in Prague. This half-day is organized by the IFTR working group.
Deadline for submissions is February 15th.

Additional Inputs:
A talk by Iain Mackintosh (perhaps as one of the longer PQ Talks series)

The Architecture Commission needs to make plans for future activities and meetings. AC aims to meet at least once a year to provide an opportunity for anyone with an interest in theatre buildings to meet, to visit theatre buildings and to hold meetings and seminars with local practitioners. Besides that, we’re getting more and more used to the digital ways of meeting, so a few digital meetings each year will certainly be added to the program.

Most efficient will be a tour around our visit in Prague. Thoughts are:
4.1    On-line Meetings throughout 2023
31 March 15.00-17.00 Central European Time
15 September 15.00-17.00 Central European Time
24 November 15.00-17.00 Central European Time

4.2    8-18 June 2023 Prague, Czechia
PQ 2023
Further details to be announced
Besides our live meeting in Prague this year, we are looking for people who are interested to organize a theatre tour this year.
There are several options for a follow-on tour to some theatres nearby. Peter has suggested the following itineraries for discussion:
1.    To Berlin via Dresden, Leipzig and Magdeburg
2.    To Krakow via Wroclaw, Katowice and Bielsko-Biala
3.    To Warsaw via Wroclaw and Lodz
4.    To Budapest via Bratislava, potentially with the assistance of Vincze Krisztiánm

Reinhold offered to check if the Cesky Crumlov baroque theatre festival will coincide with PQ dates.

4.3    22-23 June 2023
ABTT Theatre Show, London, UK

4.4    13-15 September 2023
Tyne Theatre and Opera House, Newcastle UK
Victorian and Edwardian Theatre in Performance: music and machinery, stagecraft and spectacle

4.5    18-20 September 2023
ITEAC 2023, London and on-line
ITEAC is the International Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference, a global forum to look at the places we make and experience performance.
Based in London and cities around the world, the conference will include both live and digital events. See at: https://www.iteac.info
ITEAC 23 will look at three themes driving dramatic change in theatre and theatre space:
•    Environmental Sustainability
•    The Digital Revolution
•    The need to connect with Communities

This is an invitation to send us your proposals for conference sessions.
We’ll be looking for pre-recorded and edited content, delivered by 1 August either as short (between 5 and 15 minutes) or long (30 minute) films. Those making content will cover the costs of making and editing their films. ITEAC will cover translation costs. Proposed sessions should address one or more of the conference themes above.
Please send written proposals by email to: iteaceditor@abtt.org.uk. The deadline for proposals is 1 March. We will confirm by 1 May if proposals have been accepted.

4.6    2024 Location to be Agreed
Looking ahead, there is much interest in visits to Sicily and Rumania.

Sicily – potentially three days
Last time Reinhold said he is researching a tour of theatres in Sicily. Travel Editions in UK organised a 7 day tour for the Frank Matcham Society (UK) with the following itinerary.

Modica Teatro Turi Ferro
Modica Teatro Garibaldi
Ragusa Ibla Teatro Donnafugata
Vittoria Teatro Comunale
Noto Teatro Comunale
Avola Teatro Garibaldi
Syracuse Teatro Comunale
Catania Teatro Bellini
Catania Teatro Sangiorgi
Catania Teatro Metropolitan
Catania Cineteatro Odeon
Catania Ancient Roman Theatre and Odeon
Option to visit Mount Etna
Messina Teatro Vittorio Emanuele
Taormina Ancient Greek Theatre

Romania – potentially 3 or more days
We have guidance from Jean-Guy Lecat, Umberto di Nino, Nic Ularu. and a new Romanian OISTAT Centre with Romanian theatre contacts to help plan this visit.

Bucharest ARCUB
Bucharest The Bulandra
Bucharest Circus
Bucharest National Opera House
Bucharest National Theatre of Bucharest
Bucharest Odeon
Bucharest Old Jewish Theatre
Bucharest Teatrul Metropolis
Braila Teatru Maria Filoti in the east
Iasi National Theatre (JGL) in the north east
Peles Castle Court Theatre in central Romania
Sibiu Fabrica de Teatru in central Romania
Cluj-Napoca Teatrul Național Lucian Blaga en route to Oradea
Oradea Teatrul Regina Maria in the north east
Debrecen Csokonai Forum (just across the border in Hungary
Debrecen Csokonai Theater (also in Hungary)
4.7    October 2025 Sharjah, Dubai
WSD 2025 and TAC 2025 (t.b.d.)
will be held at Sharjah Performing Arts Academy (SPAA), United Arab Emirates.

Suggestions to increase participation are always welcomed so please assist by raising the profile of the AC in your own country. AC activities are open to anyone with an interest in theatre buildings.

Presentation of work is to be encouraged and could become a more prominent feature of on-line meetings. Please consider this in anticipation of when we next meet.

Notes compiled by Peter Ruthven Hall with Maaike Westinga