
Review|Russian OISTAT Centre Presented at the Fifth Youth Theatre Forum in Kazakhstan

Jul 23, 2024

The city of Almaty in Kazakhstan in the period of June 3-9 welcomed the Fifth Youth Theatre Forum for stage directors, set designers, playwrights, and actors from 9 different countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

The Forum has an artistic and education program, and the Russian OISTAT Centre was invited to co-produce an exhibition of works of 15 set designers from the participating countries Scenographic Collage, and with two informative sessions on OISTAT and theatre design exhibitions generally.

Participating set designers were introduced to OISTAT and it's structure, it's principles, major projects, OISTAT commissions and their ongoing work, and membership opportunities. In light of the upcoming WSD (World Stage Design) 2025, artists and designers from the wider Central Asia region were encouraged to submit their applications to WSD and actively follow information on TIP (Technical Invention Prize) and TAC (Theatre Architecture Competition).

More information on the Youth Theatre Forum is enclosed as links to detailed program and more information. 

Youth Theatre Forum, CIS, the Baltic States and Georgia:
Organized by The International Confederation of Theatre Unions, the Forum is structured around a curated showcase of performances by young theatre directors, and features a strong educational program for directors, actors, playwrights and set designers with both lectures and practical work. The Forum is a triennial event, it's previous editions were held in Moldova in 2012, in Belarus in 2015, in Armenia in 2018 and in Uzbekistan in 2021. The fifth edition took place in the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan on June 3-9, 2024.

(Links below are in Russian)
News Video Clip about the Forum:
Performance Schedule & Education Programme of the Forum: