
Call for Proposals: 2O19 Sound Kitchen - in PQ 36Q°

Mar 4, 2019

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The Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space invites proposals for 36Q° Sound Kitchen, taking place at the Prague Exhibition Ground 6-16 June 2019.
Applications are accepted from artists at all stage of their careers, including emerging/ student artists. PQ is an international festival that celebrates and supports diversity from our international community - we encourage eligible candidates from all backgrounds to apply.
The Sound Kitchen 2019 is dedicated to the late Steve Brown.
Applications Published: 21 February 2019
Application Deadline: 31 March 2019
Selection Announcement: April 2019
14th Edition of Prague Quadrennial: 6-16 June 2019
Sound Kitchen Curator: Dr. Roger Alsop
Sound Spot/Sound Kitchen Project Leader: Joe Pino
36Q° Curators: Markéta Fantová, Jan K. Rolník
All proposals  must  be  submitted  through  this  official  process  and  be  completed in
English. Each application will require:
Basic Contact Information
Written Description of Proposal
Technical and Time requirements
1 Audio sample of 10 minutes or less
Short Biography of Artist
Link to application: http://bit.ly/pq19soundkitchen
Travel, accommodation costs and per diems are covered by performers themselves. PQ will provide performing artists with a 3 day accreditation/festival pass, which includes access to all PQ events except PQ Studio: Workshops.
The Prague Quadrennial calls composers, sound designers, and sound artists to join the Sound Kitchen 2019. The Sound Kitchen is a space for presentations, exchange, discussion and brainstorming among sound designers and is open to all attendees of the Prague Quadrennial 2019. The Sound Kitchen is coordinated by the Prague Quadrennial and the OISTAT Sound Design Sub-Commission and will take place at the Prague Exhibition Grounds, the main site of the Quadrennial.
The Sound Kitchen curator, Dr. Roger Alsop, invites all interested to submit proposals for 10 to 20-minute compositions, sound art, sound installations or sound design pieces to be presented through an 8 channel sound system. These sound works can be presented as playback, as stems and/or can be performed live using a laptop computer, live instruments, self-built or circuit-bent electronics, smartphone, tablet computer, etc.
We especially encourage applications that reflect and respond to the following:
work that represents novel thinking in sound design and sonic composition for performance

Works that expand on and vary from these five areas will also be considered.
Performers are required to supply all playback equipment and all necessary software to perform the work and to provide output to the house system.
All presenters are required have completed all copyright requirements for their presentations.
All presenters will be expected to discuss their presentations in Q&A/panel conversations
Please fill out the form here until 31 March 2019. Successful applicants will be informed in late April.
Contact for further information: Roger Alsop at ralsop@unimelb.edu.au
Travel, accommodation costs and per diems are covered by performers themselves. PQ will provide performing artists with a free daily pass to all venues of the Quadrennial.
A high quality sound system consisting of :
Loudspeakers with appropriate amplifiers
Mixing desk
Direct injection boxes as required
Microphones and stands as required
The use of projector/screen can be made available if required (but this must be made clear in your proposal).
More on PQ website