
Call for Papers | SHOWTECH Congress 2025

Dec 24, 2024

SHOWTECH Congress 2025
May 21–22, 2025 | Glashaus, ARENA Berlin

On May 21 and 22, 2025, OISTAT German Centre, the German Theatre Technical Association (DTHG) will host its SHOWTECH Congress and invites all professionals from the fields of theatre, technology and art to submit their contributions on the topic "Tech and Art – Crafting the New Theatre Experience“. Use the SHOWTECH stage to show how the synergy of creative processes and technological innovations creates new theatre experiences.

This congress is an excellent platform for presenting your project to a diverse audience of industry professionals and encourage professional dialogue.

Topics: We are looking for contributions on topics that provide new perspectives and ideas on the integration of technology on stage and in the theatre. These topics can be used as inspiration, feel free to add your own ideas:

Architecture: Visionary theatre buildings and stage concepts – from impressive highlights to exciting challenges along the way.
New technologies in lighting and sound engineering such as smart lighting, immersive soundscapes and innovative audio technology.
Artificial Intelligence and automation: AI in direction, stage control and planning. Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR)
Sustainability and energy: Sustainable technologies and environmentally conscious solutions in theatre tech.
Synergies between art and technology: Best practices and tools for efficient collaboration during the planning and implementation of theatre productions.
New technologies – new professions? Attractive and modern fields of employment as a means to combat the shortage of skilled professionals.

Target audience: This call for papers is aimed at professionals from the fields of theatre technology, direction, production and scenography and addresses technical planners, architects, developers, artists, scientists and students who are interested in presenting innovative ideas and hands-on concepts.

What do we need from you?
Abstract: Please send in a summary (max. 300 words) that clearly describes your presentation topic and objective.
Format: Would you like to give a classic presentation? Then our stage is the right place for you. If you’re planning interactive sessions on a certain topic and are looking for a direct exchange with participants, then your contribution will be a great addition to our roundtable.
Language: Presentations can be held in German or English. There will be simultaneous translation into both languages on stage; no translation will be provided in the roundtable.

Deadline for contributions: January 31, 2025

What you will get from us?

Application: Please use the following form to submit your presentation topic: https://en.showtech.me/call-for-papers/

If you have any questions, please contact us!
Viktoria Ebel: info@showtech.dthg.de

SHOWTECH Congress is sponsored by the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.