
2021 OISTAT Costume Design Sub-commission Online Meeting Minutes

Mar 31, 2021

Date: March 8, 2021
Format: Zoom
Chair of Sub Commission/Facilitator: Simona Rybáková (Czech Republic)
Assisted by Vice Chairs Rosane Muniz (Brazil) and Sofia Pantouvaki (Greece/Finland) 
Minutes taken by Laura Crow (USA), edited by Margaret Mitchell (USA)

Simona Rybáková welcomed the members. 

OISTAT PD/CD Website Update

Margaret Mitchell (USA) is working with OISTAT to revise the new OISTAT Costume Design section of the reformatted website. 



Rosane Muniz (Brazil) gave a demonstration about how to work with Basecamp. She asked members unfamiliar with Basecamp to explore how it works because this is our main method of communication and important information will be there about our activities. 


Discussion of Minutes


World Stage Design (WSD)

(There is a Basecamp folder for WSD.)

We discussed our proposals for WSD 2022 and we found that a lot of work was done last year already. We decided to place all of our ideas and proposals in Basecamp in order to share them and give everyone a chance to see which topics are already proposed. Members who have already formulated a proposal (last year) can revise and update it; or, all members can create new ones!

We are discussing the best and most effective way of our planning communications, and therefore, we propose the following timetable for our meetings and deadlines between now and the OISTAT online Congress on October 8-13, 2021:

The WSD Design Exhibition and Competition Information 


OISTAT WORLD CONGRESS is planned for Oct 8-13 ,2021 

Greetings and Report from Bert Determann (Netherlands), President of OISTAT 
Bert was welcomed to the meeting. Bert discussed the upcoming elections. 




Bert discussed the World Congress:

He expressed his disappointment that the Congress could not meet in person, but it is 
better to keep elections on schedule.


Time Zone Issues for a Global Conference 

OISTAT will set up highlighted programming in “The Golden Time Zone”, a time when the most people around the world can attend. 

Everyone is excited to have new faces in leadership and we are hoping for a renewed energy for OISTAT. Bert stated the Congress will have new artists just starting professional careers, as well as experienced OISTAT members.  He wishes for activities to be good for the whole group, and he wants OISTAT to be attractive for new members with special sessions.

Bert discussed how we vote: 



Good news – Poland expanded the catalogue that now has 300 pages with new additions. Contact PawełDobrzycki (Poland) dobrzycki.pawel@gmail.com to buy a copy. They can ship overseas or overland.

Simona thanked everyone for attending.