
OISTAT Online World Congress - Research Commission Programme

Oct 12, 2021

8 – 13 October 2021  All Times UTC+0

Through the Covid period and now, hopefully, emerging, our overall theme is ‘works in progress’.

While we are driven by opening and completion dates we know that it is the research, development, assimilation and creation that is the richest part of the journey.

We have invited  the following  fantastic speakers to their 'works in progress' in the following programme


Tuesday, October 12th 

12.00 – 13.50: Research Commission (Session #1) ‘Works in Progress’ presentations and Business Meeting 
Tessa Rixon,  Digital and Lighting designer, Queensland University of Technology, will discuss her current projects including guest editing a special issue of Scene journal on Australian Theatre and her research into digital practice and sustainability

Sue Field,  Artist, designer, academic and author will present her process on new and upcoming publications including her monograph, The Scenographic Design Drawing: Performative Drawing in an Expanded Field, (Bloomsbury, 2020), and new book entitled Anatomical Drawing: A Scenographic Intersection Between Science, the Visual Arts, and Performance.

The Research Commission Business Meeting will follow on, considering current and future projects All OISTAT members are welcome to participate in the meeting’s discussions The meeting’s agenda will be distributed via the commission’s Basecamp page prior to the session. Chair: Kate Burnett 

Tuesday, October 12th 

16.00 – 17.50: Research Commission (Session #2) Upcoming and New Research Publications 

Peter McKinnon, Professor Emeritus, Department of Theatre, York University, Toronto, will present his most recent research and conclusions on his new book, Sailors and Stagehands to be published in 2022.

Filipa Malva, Scenographer, Architect and Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Instituto de Etnomusicologia, Lisbon, will discuss the inspirations and process involved in her research into Drawing and Performance and the process of developing material through interviews, conference and exhibition, practice and finally an e-publication for 2022.

Sofia Pantouvaki, Scenographer and Professor of Costume design, Aalto University, will share insights into the extensive research and editorial process, in collaboration with Professor Peter McNeil, that has produced this essential new resource: Performance Costume, New Perspectives and Methods (Bloomsbury, 2021).
Chair: Kate Burnett

Wednesday, October 13th 

13.00-14.50:  Research Commission (Session #3) Ongoing Research: Sustainable Practices in Performance Design, Theatre Production, Buildings and Operations 

Paddy Dillon
, Chair of the ITEAC Editorial Board and Co-ordinator of The Theatre Green Book  and Andrew Wylie, of Buro Happold Engineering,  will discuss The Theatre Green Book project and their aim to develop eco-awareness, sustainability standards and ‘toolkits’ for theatres and companies at all scales and contexts.  They will consider the challenges and insights found while developing the first volume -Sustainable Productions (2021), and the current work on books 2 and 3, on Sustainable Theatre buildings and Front-of-house operations, respectively.  

Paul Burgess (SBTD and Ecostage) will present current Sustainability initiatives including: Carbon Literacy training for designers; the Attic Costume Store project;  Ecostage-pledge; and the call out for the Performing Arts Global Voices project in time for COP26: https://ecostageonline.wordpress.com/global-voices-on-theatre-and-climate/, -  and with the aim of stimulating initiatives and thoughts about individual and company eco-practice.

Lviv Quadriennale of Scenography 2021 

International Symposium 8-10 October 

9 October  11.00-13.00 AM (Ukraine time) 8.00 – 10.00 (UTC+0)
Liliia Voloshyna (Ukraine), Kseniia Knyazeva (Belarus), Pavlo Bosyy (Canada), Pamela Howard (UK) 
10 October  11.00-13.00 (Ukraine time), 8.00 – 10. 00. (UST+0)
Liliia Voloshyna (Ukraine), Kate Burnett (UK) and Aby Cohen (Brazil & UK), Nino Gunia-Kuznetsova (Georgia) , Natalia Rudenko-Kraevska (Ukraine) , Roman Lavrentii (Ukraine) 

Paul Burgess of SBTD and Ecostage 

Call-out for the Performing Arts Global Voices project