
Minutes of OISTAT Costume Design Sub-commission Meeting May 24, 2021

May 29, 2021

Present (alphabetical order by first name):
Anat Mesner
April Viczko
Bert Determan
Carolina Jimenez
Donatella Barbieri
Fruzsina Nagy
Hilary Baxter
Hyun Sook Kim
Igor Roussanoff
Jana Preková
Jerildy Bosch
Laura Crow
Lise Klitten
Maarit Kalmakurki
Margaret Mitchell
Mariaelena Roqué
Marina Raytchinova
Nadia Malik
Nic Ularu
Rita Gerts
Rosane Muniz
Sabrina Notarfrancisco
Sandy Bonds
Sara Salomon
Simona Rybáková
Sofia Pantouvaki
Susan Tsu
WenBao Quin

Simona welcomed all to the meeting.

World Stage Design 2022 Discussion

General Information
Simona’s announcements: 
The deadline is extended to July 10, 2021 for WSD Scenofest proposals.

At this time, the proposals for WSD activities in 2022 are:
three (3) workshops, five (5) panels, and one (1) FlashTalk.

Discussion about FlashTalks:
1.    Simona asked that more people offer flash talk proposals. Sofia clarified that the flash talk proposals are due now so they can be organized in a session.  Sofia suggested we propose 1-2 flash talk panels, to save a space and time, but we can leave content open ended at the moment. The flash talks should be 8-10 minutes long. Nic suggested we have two or three sessions (panels) of flash talks.

2.    Sabrina, Rosane and Nic supported an open flash talk session to get new voices heard and seen. Simona offered to save a flash talk space and invite others to join the slot. Nic suggested two or three general topics for an open session. Rosane invited all from CD group to offer ideas for flash talk themes, so the topics can be decided collaboratively. 

3.    Lise asked if images are still required for flash talks. Sofia clarified that the content may include images, or video (Flash Talks are primarily based on visual/audiovisual materials). 

4.    Anat asked about a theme. Simona responded that possible content need not be thematic in advance, but we could organize the topics of the session(s) based on the proposed individual Flash Talks. Simona clarified professional and student work can be presented.

5.    Sabrina asked that we send an email to members (via the Sub-commission pdc_costume email) to involve people other than those on the Basecamp. Laura offered to post information on our Facebook page. Margaret stated our email list is not an effective form of communication, which is why we try to communicate on Basecamp instead. 

6.    Simona asked everyone again to please apply for a flash talk or topic now and we may leave the session titles open for now. Laura suggested “Costume Design in the Age of Covid.” Laura suggested the Mexican Costume designers’ Association discuss how they organized and advocated for themselves. Laura asked for another Zoom meeting, but Simona suggested we might use Basecamp further to communicate and share the ideas in between meetings. Meetings are useful for communication and shared discussion on the results that are gathered in response to various calls.

Discussion about WSD workshops and theme: 
Donatella stated that she and Nadia are organizing a workshop and a panel and she stated a curated panel is useful as it provides a certain frame to identify people to invite and participate. Donatella reminded us of the Three Sisters theme and that we need work within the WSD theme. 
Rosane offered an example: she is working within the theme of indigenous peoples of Brazil.

Discussion about timeline and submissions to WSD: 
Jana suggested we have some time to organize with the extended deadline. Simona and Sofia clarified that today’s meeting is for organizing our proposals, given that the members of the Costume Sub-commission already had a few planning meetings for this purpose. Simona clarified we need to understand how many proposals we have and that people outside of this group can be invited to participate. Sofia suggested personal invitations work much better than a general call for proposals if someone is interested in planning an activity on a specific topic. 

April offered in the chat that WSD just needs the names of proposals, brief description and the contact person, not all the people involved or details. 
Simona clarified the CD will not choose the proposals; CD will just offer proposals to WSD and they will choose. Rosane clarified that all the current project proposals are on Basecamp for all to see. At the moment we have nine proposals. 

Maarit asked whether or not the proposals from last year will be automatically included.
Simona stated they (CD leadership) contacted all the people who made proposals last year, and some people already know they cannot attend WSD. Those proposals have been eliminated. However, it is possible the old proposals may turn into flash talks. All proposals of people who believe they will be able to attend WSD will be offered. Rosane stated she will update the excel spread sheet of all proposals for a general view of the actual ones. Sofia clarified every individual or person must submit their proposal for Scenofest directly to the WSD 2022 online submission page to the link below:

April explained there will be a possibility for virtual presentations, either hybrid or completely digital for presenters who cannot come to Calgary in person. April clarified that the deadlines are early so that organizers may understand crossover interest in scheduling the sessions. 

Pre WSD events
April announced the followed pre WSD events:
1.    August 5, 2021: online launch of WSD registration, presentation of storytelling and a Blackfoot ceremony to open the event. 
2.    October, 2021: two sessions at OISTAT World Congress, “Indigenous Ways of Knowing”  and the announcement of the 100 short listed designers for WSD exhibition (April stated there are hundreds of applications.)  
3.    March 27, 2022 (World Theatre Day): session on eco scenography and multiple realities. 

Discussion on the Upcoming OISTAT Meeting in Mexico City

Simona introduced the Mexican designers and announced that they invite an official OISTAT Costume Sub-Commission meeting next year in Mexico City, in parallel to an exhibition of works that will take place between May 4- June 12, 2022. 

Carolina explained the Mexican designers are a newly formed organization and they have been challenged by attempting to create an international conference in a pandemic. Carolina presented an excellent and organized proposal for the official meeting in Mexico City. They have confirmed all galleries, theatres, and the conference site for May 4-June 12 at their National Center for the Arts, a prestigious place. 

Workshop Proposals:
Carolina invited us to present workshops. She stated they plan to present performances created by OISTAT members. She showed the schedule of events. 
Before the event dates, they will accept photographs from CD members; they wish to print the photographs to display in the exhibition space. The exhibition setup is planned to take place between April 25th – May 4th with an opening of the exhibition on May 4th, 2022. They have organized social events and museum visits. They have proposed to host a meeting for the OISTAT Costume Sub-commission on May 11th-15th 2022 (dates tbc). They have asked the Mexican government for financial support. 

Carolina suggested proposing workshops lasting four hours each for four days, but the timing for workshops is flexible. Workshops will be for students and young practitioners. Carolina also stated they are attempting to have a digital interface. 
Marina asked about the details for submitting photographs. More details are forthcoming. 

Nic suggested a portfolio review for the students. Nic is interested in recruiting students for MFA programs. Carolina and Sara supported this idea.

OISTAT World Congress, October 8-13, 2021, online

Simona announced the Congress will be online and we must participate. We must present the activities of the group in 30 min and the presentation will be for the general public. The second meeting will be a business meeting. 

Pre-recorded Material for the Congress and Upcoming Deadlines
Due to time zone differences, Bert stated some material will be pre-recorded and edited, and some presentations will be live.  The deadline for pre-recorded material is June 15, 2021 to give OISTAT staff time for translations in English, Mandarin and Arabic. Bert clarified the introductions of presentations will be live. Marina stated that the recordings need to be in English. Sofia suggested the presenters could subtitle their own work, if they already have interesting materials in their own language, and Bert agreed that approach would work. 
Mariaelena asked about the length of videos. Marina suggested an outside length of about 20 minutes. Bert stated that if the videos are long, they will be edited to fit in a time slot. Marina stated more visual presentations are needed, including designers’ own work, as opposed to theoretical presentations. Marina explained multiple people can present together in one session if the theme or topic is connected. Marina clarified that the presentations are also for the public in order to explain what OISTAT is, as well as to show some interesting work.

Suggestions for Prerecorded Costume Presentations and Materials
Marina stated there will be three more timeslots that might be available for other costume activities, and she will check on the details of this issue. Bert clarified that the presentations need to be current. Nic asked for the definition of “current” in a pandemic world where many people have not been working. Nic suggested the work from two years ago to the present might be a possible time frame. 

1.    Sofia asked if the SENA costume roundtable could be part of the Congress. OISTAT HQ already has approx. 90 minutes of prerecorded material. 
2.    Simona suggested that the members can now create a prerecorded presentation and offer it for the Congress slots. 
3.    Laura suggested compiling power points that run on a loop.
4.    April offered an online workshop with the Associated Designers of Canada that is on Wearable Technologies for Costume - lighting and arduino programming. April also stated there are other presentations from this group that have been recorded. 
5.    Igor offered a presentation on his exhibitions and the difficult process of finding new designers. Marina suggested that he obtain the designers’ consent to share the work in this way. Igor clarified that his purpose was to find and gather new or unknown designers and connect them with OISTAT. Marina suggested to Igor that he make a written proposal and send it to  Costume Sub-Commission leadership e-mail.

Internal Deadline
Simona asked that all new proposals for the recorded sessions can be sent to Basecamp by May 31, 2021 to the folder OISTAT Congress 2021. Simona clarified that these proposals should be short and simple. Marina asked that the Congress presentation proposals include images. 

Simona excused herself from the meeting and Sofia and Rosane facilitated discussion. Upon Simona’s exit, the agenda was completed. Sofia asked if the group had any other announcements. 

Other Announcements

Nic congratulated Marina for her award in her country. 

Fruzsina announced the Hungarian OISTAT members are organizing an exhibition to help people know about OISTAT. It is titled “Art and Technology” and will include any design work related to theatre in relation to technology. It will take place sometime in October or Nov., 2021. Exact dates are TBA.  Fruzsina invited us to participate and offer work for consideration. She asked that we send her an email /message or contact the Hungarian OISTAT center. She also asked for students to submit as well. Fruzsina will post more information on Basecamp. Lise asked about video. Fruzsina answered that video would be welcome. They are interested in anything new, non- traditional or inventive. They want to invite technical artists as well as designers. 

Meeting adjourned by Sofia at 10:54 CST. 
Minutes taken by: Margaret Mitchell