
2019 OISTAT Education Meeting Minutes, Berlin, Germany

Jan 6, 2020

Tuesday, 18 June 2019: 11:15 – 13:00, meeting room at Messe Nord, Berlin 

William Kenyon USA Chair, Education Commission, USITT
Anders Larsson Sweden Vice Chair, Education Commission, STTF
Bert Determann Netherlands President of OISTAT
Marina Raytchinova Bulgaria OISTAT Board, OISTAT Bulgaria
Kevin Rigdon USA OISTAT Board, USITT
Wei-Ping Chen Taiwan OISTAT HQ
Ketil Akerø Norway Technical Director Dansens Hus, Oslo
Guillenn Alloy Spain OISTAT Spain
Joaquin Jose Aranda Philippines DLS-CSB
Richard Bryant Trinidad Individual Member
Amalie Bulandrova Czechia ČOSDAT/Czech OISTAT Centre
Larry Busch Austria OETHG
Aby Cohen Brazil Individual Member
Monique Corbeil Canada CITT, National Coordinator
Umberto Di Nino Italy Individual Member
Gennaly Galilsky Russia APEK(Russia)
Chris van Goethem Belgium Expertice Centre Technical Theatre
David Grindle USA USITT
Kevin Held Taiwan Taipei American School
Mana Kross Germany DTHG
Tomas Kubart Czechia ČOSDAT/Czech OISTAT Centre
Lung Kuei Lin Taiwan TATT
Bri Newesely Germany Beuth Hochschule Berlin
Kamelia Nikolova Bulgaria National Academy for Theatre & Film Arts Sofia
Mikio Ogawa Japan OISTAT Japan
Brad Steinmetz USA Ohio State University
Claudia Suarez Chile OISTAT Spain
Laura van Haperen Netherlands VPT


1. Welcome & Introductions by Chair William Kenyon & Vice-Chair Anders Larsson:
a. Please check roster to ensure that we have the best email address for you.
b. Meeting called to order by Chair William Kenyon & Vice-Chair Anders Larsson at 11:15 am.
c. By a suggestion from Monique Corbeil, CITT Canada, all delegates in the room introduced themselves to each other
d. A sign-in sheet was made available, and a current roster of the Commission membership was circulated for corrections & updates.
e. Chair W. Kenyon informed the delegates that OISTAT member Henk van der Geest, Netherlands, passed away a week earlier. During late spring also former EduComm delegate Sjef Tilly, Netherlands, passed away. Both will be remembered for their passion and the importance of their work for OISTAT and EduComm.
f. Presentation of Agenda. The agenda was accepted by the delegates.
2. Acceptance of last meeting’s minutes.
The prior meeting minutes was accepted by the delegates. All prior meeting minutes are available on the OISTAT website.

3. Chair’s report on recent Education Commission activities:
a. OISTAT @ 50 event – September 2018.

b. Executive Council/Governing Board Meetings in Calgary – October 2018.

c. BIB/ISDSWE – Beijing, China – November 2018.

d. Chris van Goethem´s report on training project.


e. Chair attendance at PQ 19 and other Commissions meetings.

4. Chair’s report on upcoming meetings & related events:
a. Education Commission Meeting – Helsinki, Finland to be held during Lux Helsinki, January 2020 (will be combined with Lighting Sub-Commission).

b. 1st International Summit on Theatre Design Training, Shanghai, March 2020.

c. Demonstration of ETTE Training Project at USITT in Houston, April 2020

d. BIB/ISDSWE – Beijing, China – November 2020?

e. Conference by Candlelight in Stockholm at the Drottningholm Court Theatre.

f. 2021 WSD in Calgary, Canada – August, 2021 in conjunction with OISTAT World Congress.

g. Future Meetings – We need proposals for future hosting, and the following suggestions have been made:

5. OISTAT Small Meetings?
a. Did anyone try to hold one?

6. Membership & Promotion.
a. Building Membership in the Commission & in OISTAT.
b. How can we spread name & work of OISTAT Education?

7. Developing more international student travel opportunities.
a. Costs.
Postponed for next meeting due to lack of time
b. Partnerships.
Postponed for next meeting due to lack of time
c. Length of trips?
Postponed for next meeting due to lack of time
8. Developing Faculty Exchanges?
a. In Europe it is possible to apply for Erasmus+ subsidy for students, teacher and staff mobility exchange between schools in different countries in the EU. It is more difficult to find financial support for other parts in the world, but some universities have funds to apply to.
9. Other Commission Goals and Projects?
a. OISTAT president Bert Determann informed that the Performance Design commission has been invited to a meeting in Cairo in 2020.
10. Conclusion.
a. Chair William Kenyon thanked all delegates for their participation in the Education Commission meeting and closed the meeting.

Anders Larsson
Vice Chair, OISTAT Education Commission
William Kenyon
Chair, OISTAT Education Co