
2010 Governing Board Meeting Report

May 6, 2010

2010 OISTAT Governing Board Meeting was held from March 31st to April 3rd in Kansas City, Missouri. The EC reviewed the current state of OISTAT membership, the organization’s financial report, and election issues. In addition, the group discussed the latest progress of OISTAT’s major projects with the Commission Chairs, including Scenofest 2011, World Scenography, Digital Theatre Words, and the Technical Invention Prize(TIP). As OISTAT projects increase and develop, the current website is no longer able to meet the needs of the organization. The OISTAT Secretariat is charged with the development of a new website in order to provide better service to members and other professionals throughout the world. At the invitation of USITT, the representatives of OISTAT gave the following presentations at the USITT Annual Conference :  







Please click here to view the full text of "Conference Becomes International Crossroads"