
2013 Candidates Slate of OISTAT President and Executive Committee

May 16, 2013

Combined Candidate Documents in PDF

Elections for OISTAT President and Executive Committee will take place during OISTAT World Congress 2013 at Cardiff, UK, September 10th-11th.

Candidates for President  (one to be elected)
(in alphabetical order of last name)

Louis Janssen
VPT/ Vereniging voor Podium Technologie (Netherland)
Bio | CV

Piotr Obracaj
Polish Centre of OISTAT (Poland)
Bio | CV


Candidates for Executive Committee (seven to be elected)
(in alphabetical order of last name)

Richart Bauer
Svensk Teater Teknisk Forening (Sweden)
Bio | CV

Duncan Chang
Taiwan Association of Theatre Technology (Taiwan)
Bio | CV

Aby Cohen
Associacao Brasileria de Iluminacao Cenica (Brazil)
Bio | CV

Sean Crowley
The Society of British Theatre Designers (United Kingdom)
Bio | CV

Reinhold Daberto
DTHG-Deutsche Theatertechnische Gesellschaft (Germany)
Bio | CV

Bert Determann
VPT/ Vereniging voor Podium Technologie (Netherland)
Bio | CV

Chris van Goethem
STEPP/ Steunpunt voor de Producerended, Ontwerpende, en Technische krachten van de brede culturele sector (Belgium)
Bio | CV

Gerard van Hezewyk
Canada Institute for Theatre Technology (Canada)
Bio | CV

Piotr Obracaj
Polish Centre of OISTAT (Poland)
Bio | CV

Michael Ramsaur
United States Institute for Theatre Technology, Inc (USA)
Bio | CV

Marina Raytchinova
UBA/ Bulgarian Center of OISTAT (Bulgaria)
Bio | CV

Jan K. Rolnik
ČOSDAT/Czech Centre of OISTAT (Czech Republic)
Bio | CV

Hazem Shebl
Egyptian Scenographers and Theatre Technicians Center (Egypt) 
Bio | CV

Miljana Zeković
Centre for Scene Design, Architechture & Technology (Serbia)
Bio | CV