
News from OISTAT Sound Design Working Group

Jan 25, 2007

The OISTAT Sound Design Group has spent most of their efforts over the past months preparing for the 2007 Prague Quadrennial(PQ). Steven Brown, Associate Head of the Sound Design Group, has been leading the efforts to organize the extraordinary number of sound events that will take place at the Prague Quadrennial, and deserves the commendation and thanks of both the Sound Design Group and OISTAT. We would also like to acknowledge the work of Joe Pino, from Carnegie Melon University in the United States, who is organizing the Laptop Connections project, and the Second International Exhibition of Sound Design and Music Composition at the 2007 PQ. To download the schedule of events for a brief overview of all that’s planned, and make sure to visit the sound page for Scenofest at: http://www.scenofest.org/index_sound.htm

In other news, we have had to postpone the first OISTAT Sound Educator's Workshop originally planned for Fall of 2006, until the Prague Quadrennial. However, Christopher Johns, from the Hong Kong Academy of the Performing Arts, has agreed to organize this workshop, and we have tentatively arranged to conduct it at Halleruv sal DAMU during the PQ (date to still be decided).

We are very excited about the upcoming Prague Quadrennial, and are especially pleased that so many extraordinary volunteers have come forward to help the Sound Design Group accomplish its goals.

January 2007