
Invitation to OISTAT Architecture and Research Commission 2017

Apr 6, 2017

The Chairs of the OISTAT Architecture and Research Commissions and The Association of British Theatre Technicians (ABTT) wish to invite members of their Commissions and any others with an interest to an informal two day event based in London on 19th & 20th May 2017.

This will include free delegate places for a one-day conference on Saturday 20th May based at the Normansfield Theatre, on the outskirts of London - please see www.langdondowncentre.org.uk

Normansfield Theatre is a hidden gem, and considered to be one of the most important private theatres in the country. Home to the largest collection of restored nineteenth century scenery in Britain, and one of only two theatres in the country with the original scene changing groove system in place.

This conference is being organised by The Langdon Down Centre (which is based at the theatre) and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Information about the day is contained on the attached conference programme entitled “Protecting A Theatrical Past”. Members wishing to attend this conference should book their place directly by e-mailing the conference organiser Lesley Alabaf, lesley.alabaf@downs-syndrome.org.uk

Places are limited so it is highly advisable to book early BUT please do not book a place if you are uncertain about your ability to attend. Please mark the subject title of your booking e-mail “OISTAT Delegate”. Will you also please send an email to the ABTT office@abtt.org.uk and Headquarters headquarters@oistat.org to confirm your attendance and provide your contact details so that we can send you further information.

The first day of the OISTAT Commissions meeting (Friday 19th May) will take the form of a number of theatre related visits in Central London. This is still under discussion but is likely to include visits to nineteenth and early twentieth century theatre related buildings in and around the West End of London.

It is also anticipated that there will be an informal dinner in the evening – more details to follow. The first day’s activities will be arranged with the support of the Association of British Theatre Technicians (ABTT) one of the OISTAT Centres in the UK.

Attendees will be required to book their own hotels but it is suggested that delegates find a hotel in Central London and travel to Normansfield via train (about 35 minutes) on the morning of the conference from London Waterloo Station.

We will issue further information to you as it becomes available but wanted you to have as much notice as possible in the hope that you will be able to attend. We very much look forward to seeing you in London in May!