
Call for Selfie for OISTAT Promotion Video

Feb 13, 2017

In the summer of 2017, four major projects of OISTAT will take place in Taipei, Taiwan. Headquarters is also producing a promotional video for this exciting year. Recently we are collecting short video clips recorded by members for the promotional video. We sincerely ask you to send your video to us! It's easy to record and submit!

Here are the requirements:

1.  The composition in the scene should be: face to the camera, put yourself in the middle of the scene, include your chest in it, look into the lens. Record it in a clean background (For example, a white wall) . Here is an example:


2.   The line
1)  I’m        (name)
2)  I’m        (position in theatre: costume designer/technician/theatre architect…)
3)  I’m from       (country)
4)  I became OISTAT member because                     / I join OISTAT since                     (eg. 2003), or I get to know OISTAT because                     
5)  (Try to answer “what is OISTAT?”) /OISTAT is                     

*Notice that the voice should be clearly recorded.

3.  The format
HD1920*1080 in .mov or .mp4 format.

4.  Transfer the clip
1)  Record it with your camera or smart phone.
2)  Upload the clip to your Dropbox or Google drive and share with oistatheadquarters@gmail.com (this is easy for smart phone users). Or, transfer the clip through WeTransfer. (This is easy for computer users)

5.  Deadline: Submit your work before March 15, 2017.
(Please note that HQ will select, clip or edit the material you submit.)

Any questions? Ask cynthia@oistat.org