
Announcement | Finalist of Costume at the Turn of the Century Exhibition

Apr 21, 2015

Announcing Finalist of Costume at the Turn of the Century Exhibition
Schedule of Costume at the Turn of the Century Exhibition
June 15    5:00 pm         1st Opening Ceremony
June 29    5:00 pm         2nd Opening Ceremony
June 15-August 1           Costume at the Turn of the Century Exhibition

Location: Bakhrushin Street # 31/12 Moscow

Showcasing the global evolution of theatrical costumes from 1990 to 2015, Costume at the Turn of the Century Exhibition will be run on June 15 to August 23 at the A. A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum in Moscow, Russia, with two opening ceremonies on June 15 and June 29.

Entering 20th Century, technologies and new materials push costume design to new heights. OISTAT Costume Design Group has teamed up with Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum to collect influences and concepts happening globally in the past 25 years to costume designs and applications in the performances, cinema and art installations. This exhibition will feature 1200 costume designs by more than 200 world-renowned costume designers from 34 countries. 

Finalist designers including:
Isabella Andronos
Charles Davis
Dann Barber
Emily Barr
Genevieve Graham
Emma Vine
Ara Steel
Sabina Myers
Tyler Hawkins
Nicholas Fry
Charlotte Mungomery
Christie Milton
Robyn Murphy
Rebecca Clark
Michael Hankin
Julie Lynch
Stephen Curtis
Jennifer Irwin
Gabriela Tylesova
Roger Kirk
Kim Carpenter
Anna Tregloan
Alicia Clements
Christina Smith
Kristian Fredrikson
Allan Lees OAM
Cornelis (Casey) van Sebille
Tim Chappel

Despina Zacharopoulou
Rita Geerts

Jum Nakao
Carina Casuscelli
Patricia Gaspareti
Erika Scwarz
Thais Teresa Lacerda Franco
Alex De Sousa

Marina Raytchinova
Mira Kalanova Nuri Dimitrova

Qin Wenbao
Zhao Yan

Astrid Janson
April Viczko
Bretta Gerecke
Christine Reimer
David Lovett
Eo Sharp
Jorge Sandoval
Judith Bowden
Mary Kerr
Robert Shannon
Susan Benson
Linda Brunelle
Anouk Looten
Snezana Pesic
Marija Djordjevic

Nermine Said
Israa El Shorbagy

Denmark, Norway
Denmark- Lise Klitten
Denmark- Mona Moller Schmidt
Norway- Berit Haltvik With
Norway- Jenny Hilmo Teig
Marie I Dali

Pirjo Liiri-Majava
Erika Turunen

Dagos Moldoveanu
Alexandra Konwinski

Sebastian Hannak
Noelie Verdier

Sofia Pantouvaki
Fabrizia Migliarotti
Catherine Chanoux

Kabuki Costumes

Hyun Sook Kim

Kuzhel (Usov) Ludmila V.
Jalolidin Rakhimov
Shukhrat Abdumalikov
Tatiana Fadeeva

Eloise Kazan
Monica Raya

Rien Bekkers
Sabine Snijders
Arno Bremers
Jorine van Beek
Miek Uittenhout
Thomas Rupert

Rolando M. de Leon
Mark Lewis Higgins
Mio Infante
Bluebird of Happiness Musical Theater

Agata Uchman
Anna Adamek
Anna Chadaj
Diana Marszalek and Julia Skrzynecka
Dorota Kolodynska
Joanna Braun
Julia Skrzynecka
Martyna Kander
Andrzej Kreutz-Majewski
Andrzej Sadowski
Dorota Morawetz
Katarzyna Konieczka
Jagna Janicka
Ryszard Kaja
Zofia de Ines
Paulina Czernek
Pawel Dobrzycki
Weronika Karwowska
Nika Danielska
Katarzyna Konieczka

Akimova Irina M.
Avdeev Vladimir A.
Barkhina Tatiana M.
Bartenev Andrey
Bochkova Elena V.
Danilova Maria B.
Danilina Kristina A
Denisov Denis V.
Zaychikov Vyacheslav
Klimov Andrey E.
Kozhenkova Alla V.
Komolova Valentina A.
Levina Irina
Lekht Svetlana
Logofet Svetlana
Maklakova Eleonora P.

Mukhina Asia
Nikonenko Ilariya V.
Nikonorov Evgeny V.
Ostrer Elene L.
Polikarpova Olga N.
Sevryukova Victoriya I.
Spasolomskaya Tatiana N.
Shimanovskaya KseniyaV.
Trofimova Olga F.
Fedorova Maria V.
Kharikov Yury
Khismatullina Liliya Z. Ustinov Yury
Moscow Art Theatre School (MXAT)

Spain, Venezuela
Mariaelena Rogue
Joaquin Nandez
Andrea Alyala Closa
Joan J. Guillen
Marta Jimenez Salcedo
Montse Amenos
Angelina Atlagic
Dejana Vucicevic
Maja Mirkovic
Maja Studen Petrovic
Miodrag Tabacki
Vesna Teodosic
Maja Nedeljkovic Davidovac
Marina Vukasovic Medenica
Milica Radovanovic
Dragana Vucetic

Nad’ai Simunova
L’ubica Jarjabkova
Silvia Zubajova

Lin Heng-Cheng
Hu Chia
Liang-Yin Lin
Yi-meei Wang

Andrei Poteryaylo-Mancino
Sergii Masloboishchykov
Maria Avina
Anna Ipatieva
Nataliya Rudyuk
Kateryna Korniichuk

United Kingdom
Alexander Ruth
Brigitte Reiffenstuel
Guilia Pecorari
Lez Brotherston
Lucy Orta and Jorge Orta
Marie-Jeanne Lecca
Nicky Gillibrand
Sophie Jump
Pamela Howard
Kate Lane

Camille Assaf
Gregg Barnes
Mara Blumenfeld
Candice Donnelly
Alexandra Bonds
Carley Brandau
Bill Brewer
Lucy Brown
Zach Brown
Marie Anne Chiment
Laura Crow
Judith Dolan
Deborah M Dryden
Maureen Freedman
Connie Furr Soloman
Jane Greenwood
Olivera Gajic
Susan Hilferty
Anna Hould-Ward
Helen Huang
Rafael Jaen
Virgil C. Johnson
Willa Kim
Natalya Kolosowsky
Ana Kuzmanic
Sutirat Anne Larlarb
William Ivey Long
Mimi Maxmen
Susan Mickey
Michelle Ney
Sabrina Notarfrancisco
Cait O’Connor
Pat Oleszko
Martin Pakledinaz
Linda Pisano
Carrie Robbins
Linda Roethke
Igor Roussanoff
Eduardo Sicangco
Fabio Toblini
Susan Tsu
Nic Ularu
Jayoung Yoon
Iosef Yusupov
Erica Hoelscher

Selecting from more than 3,600 design works from around the world, 1,200 works will be presented at the exhibition as well as online at the virtual gallery. (http://www.worldcostumedesign.com/) The audience will see costume design projects for theatre, opera, dance, film, fashion and performing art, with costume renderings, production photos, 3D costume installations, artistic images of costumes, as well as video footages of the performances.

Detailed Schedule of Costume at the Turn of the Century Exhibition
June 15    5:00 pm         1st Opening Ceremony
June 29    5:00 pm         2nd Opening Ceremony
June 15-August 1   Costume at the Turn of the Century Exhibition

Location: Bakhrushin Street # 31/12 Moscow