
2013 OISTAT PCC Meeting Minutes -12, September, 2013, Cardiff, United Kingdom

Sep 23, 2013

Thursday, September 12th, 2013; 2.30pm – 4.00pm
Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama – Hopkins Studio

To Download the Minutes in PDF Here.

Chair: Austin Wang

Members & Guests Present: John Faulkner, José Luis Ferrera, Manana Gunia, Dorita Hannah, Kathy Hong, Jerome Maeckelbergh, Erik de Ruijter, Umberto Di Nino, Martina Černá, Torsten Nobling, Evcimen Perçin, Carl Walling (meeting minutes)

Handouts: Publications & Communications Commission Meeting Agenda
Pamphlet: Taipei Performing Arts Center
5x5 In Time – Research Commission proposal (via Dorita Hannah)
Wood, Canvas, and Rabbit Glue… Conference Flyer (via Jerome Maeckelbergh)

The meeting called to order at 2.37pm by Austin Wang. A sign-in sheet was passed around.

1.0 Opening Remarks -- Austin Wang, Chair
Austin welcomed everyone to the commission meeting.

Austin gave Jerome Maeckelbergh the floor to summarize for commission members the last Publication and Communication Commission (PCC) meeting held in Long Beach, California, United States (March 30, 2013).

Since Jerome was the only PCC member presenting for today’s commission meeting and the previous Long Beach meeting, there were no additional updates stemming from the PCC meeting.

Austin reviewed the PCC Long Beach meeting minutes, highlighting the progress of several projects including:
• The status of World Scenography: 1975-1990 (Volume 1)
• An update on World Scenography: 1990-2005 (Volume 2)
• The commission’s continuing discussion with regards to Facebook as a communication tool
• The use of the PPC webpage

Erik de Ruijter asked if Eric Fielding will update the commission on the World Scenography project during this meeting. However, it was believed that Eric was not in attendance at World Stage Design, and therefore may not arrive to the PCC meeting.

2.0 Approval of Agenda -- Austin
Austin reviewed the meeting’s agenda items with the commission members in attendance.

3.0 5x5 In Time -- Dorita Hannah, Research Commission Chair
Dorita Hannah presented on a proposal from the research commission for a new OISTAT publication, 5x5 In Time. A handout was distributed to the committee.
As part of her 5x5 In Time presentation, Dorita updated the commission on the TESTing 2013 project led by Joslin McKinney and Dorita Hannah. The TESTing project was referenced as a starting point for the future project and its consideration.

Dorita highlighted the published record of the 5x5 In Time editorial team, led by principal editors Dr. Greer Crawley and Dr. Dorita Hannah. The publication will focus on five specific categories of performance design practices, and then consider five contemporary projects per category. At the current moment, the categories the following:

• Scenography (Constructing)
• Costume (Dressing)
• Architecture (Spacing)
• Technology (Mediating)
• Research (Testing)

Dorita Hannah commented that the publication will consider a total of twenty-five amazing cutting-edge projects within the field of performance design. She invited the group to page through the 5x5 In Time document.

The project is constructed around the idea of “active”, time-based design/performance. Each focus area will communicate projects in action within the chosen field. Additionally, two established editors, with a strong record of publication, will lead each category.

The project’s hope is that international interest will span from professionals, researchers, and students. While the publication’s quality is assured, the 5x5 In Time editors are asking OISTAT for assistance, in order to have the book published with good quality images. They need funding for the publication to go through an established publisher with a strong vetting process. Additionally, the 5x5 In Time editorial team would like to establish a basis for this project on a two-year publication cycle.

Questions arising from the presentation:

• Erik asked if the publication would be process-focused or project-focused. Dorita stated that the publication would be project-focused; however, articles could be both process and project focused. As an example of this approach, Dorita drew parallels to her current publication in the bookstore. Ideally, what the editorial team would want to talk about within the publication is “what’s happening now” in performance design.

• Austin asked if the category editors will chose the projects for inclusion in the publication. Dorita replied that the editors would. She noted that the project may come from World Stage Design; however, they may include additional international projects. Ultimately, the decision-making process would be done as a collaboration amongst the editors. As an example, she noted that there might be eight strong technology projects; however, several of those projects may cross-over into the other areas and be considered for another category.

• A commission member asked why lighting was not included and costuming is separated from scenography in the proposed topic areas. Dorita commented that these areas could be shifted.

• Austin asked if there will be an audio, video, or media content with this publication. Dorita responded that the editors have discussed a DVD format; however, such a format depended on the format of the pamphlet articles. Dorita thanked the commission for their feedback.

• Erik asked how the publication was to be written. Dorita stated that the category editors will co-write articles, while working with other article authors.

• Austin asked about the composition of the twenty-five projects, particularly if the projects will be focused on Europe versus a global focus. Dorita responded that she believes that the project should be international, and they will try to include an international spread of projects.

• Erik asked if the focus is toward international design or cutting-edge projects. Dorita replied that the series will research current projects. The editorial team will create the process that will decide on the projects included in the publication. Dorita noted that the publication will be discursive with in-depth analysis. As such, the pamphlet will be a curatorial production, a group of people/projects at a specific moment of time. Share, discuss, and show.

• Austin asked how PCC is to help the process. Dorita responded that the project needs funding and support. The project’s editorial team needs Publication & Communication to approve the proposal prior to forwarding the proposal to OISTAT’s Executive Committee.

At this moment, there was a commission-wide concern that more information was needed from the proposal. Dorita asked the commission members about previous proposal processes through Publication & Communication.

Erik and Austin both commented that the publication is a good idea; however, they wanted to know how Publication & Communication can help.

Jose Luis Ferrera asked if all OISTAT publications should be sent through Publication & Communication. John Faulkner commented that previously Publication & Communication tried to be definitive with publication projects such the World Scenography project and Jean-Guy Lecat’s book [One Show, One Audience, One Single Space.]. At the moment, everything is in a state of flux. John commented that the 5x5 In Time project seems to be something should have the OISTAT brand. Jerome responded that if everyone thinks that it is a good project, then the committee could endorse the project forward.

Further discussion ensued within the meeting about approval process for the publication. Dorita mentioned that she was told to send the proposal information to Publication & Communication and request approval from the commission prior to a presentation to the Executive Committee. Dorita asked the commission members how World Scenography received approval. Jerome noted that World Scenography editors came to Publication & Communication with a balanced budget plan with revenue projection.

Additional comments were made by commission members regarding the budget proposal, the international focus of a prospective OISTAT publication, and procedural concerns. Jose Luis Ferrera noted that if 5x5 In Time is to be an OISTAT publication, then it should involve the Publications and Communications Commission.

As proposal feedback, Jerome suggested to Dorita that the 5x5 In Time project apply for OISTAT Seed Funding.
Dorita commented that feedback is good; she cited that the focus area names may change with an interdisiciplinary scholarly level approach. However, at this time, the Research Commission would like to move forward with the publication.

A commission member asked if the publication will consider projects on a biannual basis. Dorita answered that publication will have an overlap year for the performance research project included within the overall publication series. She would like to capture the energy at the moment of each publication and they may explore new section editors for each publication edition.

Austin thanked Dorita for her presentation and he mentioned that the commission will discuss it further. Dorita left the meeting to set-up for the Research Commission meeting.

4.0 Business from Last Meeting -- Austin
Jerome asked Austin if the commission could have introductions. Introductions occurred.

It was decided that there was no old business from the Long Beach meeting to discuss.

5.1 PCC Projects, World Scenography – Jerome
Jerome gave an update on the World Scenography publication. World Scenography 1990-2005 (Volume 2) was expected for WSD 2013, however, due to the project’s nature – it has been very difficult to get participation from performance designers.

Austin followed-up with this point, asking why is it has been difficult for the editors to gain participation from designers. Jerome responded that he does not know why performance designers are hesitant, since he feels that it is an honor to be included in the book. It is his understanding that the second volume has been postponed due to the difficulties for local editors to get the designers’ work.

A commission member asked how designers are picked for the publication. Jerome commented that there is a filtering process set-up amongst the series local editors and the continental editors. Choices are made throughout the process. Jose commented that it is a difficult process.

A commission member asked if this is an OISTAT project, shouldn’t the project have more involvement within Publication & Communication commission. Austin responded that both Eric Fielding and Peter McKinnon are PCC members.

Jerome commented that he believes that Peter and Eric are aiming for publication by the upcoming USITT national conference in March 2014.

A commission member asked about World Scenography’s current budget. Austin replied that there is a sense that the publication is close to the breakeven point on the first volume.

Manana Gunia asked about the criteria for inclusion for each designer. Jerome responded that it is combination of the designer’s career, their influence on other designers, and significant designs within their individual countries.

Austin commented that he will follow-up with Peter and Eric regarding this project.

5.2 PCC Projects, Digital Theatre Words – Jerome
Jerome notified commission members that there is a computer application of the Digital Theatre Words project. While, the original online version of Digital Theatre Words is still available, Jerome has constructed a new application version and he has re-made the interface for ease of user interaction. Any language groups have been significantly developed is published in the new interface. Jerome stated that the cut-off point is either the completion of one entire word group with descriptions or 1000 words without descriptions.

Austin asked about the potential for mobile applications. Kathy Hong noted that OISTAT headquarters is looking at producing a mobile app, once the new version has been completed. They anticipate that the format will be iOS and Android. The publishing date for the mobile app will be pending the progress of the Digital Theatre Words project, with next year being a possibility.

Erik asked how new members participate in the World Scenography and Digital Theatre Words projects. Kathy commented that she could put interested commission members and guests in contact with the project leaders.

6.0 New Business, Future of PCC – Austin
Austin updated the commission that the OISTAT website has been completed. He asked commission members if the commission needs forums, discussion boards, or small newsletters to share information within the OISTAT website.

Kathy noted that there is an English and Chinese version of the OISTAT website. However, additional content is needed for the website. Each commission chair has password access to update information on their commission pages. Kathy encouraged commission members to forward any new commission or project information to the OISTAT offices.

Erik asked the commission members about using Facebook groups as a communication method. Austin drew attention to the existing OISTAT Facebook group, while Kathy commented that any OISTAT commission could create a Facebook group for communications.

Kathy updated the commission that OISTAT Headquarters is attempting to send out an OISTAT electronic newsletter every two months. Commissions and OISTAT Centres are welcome to submit information for inclusion to the OISTAT newsletter.

6.1 Bibliography on Theatre Arts Project -- Kathy
Kathy updated the commission about the project being developed by the Research Commission and OISTAT Headquarters. The project asks individuals to share recommendations of a significant theatre-related book as part of a bibliography of theatre arts shared between OISTAT members. 

6.2 Announcements
The OISTAT Architecture and Technology Commissions will be hosting a conference in Antwerp, Belgium on June 14th – 16th, 2014. The conference, “Wood and Canvas (and Rabbit Glue) in the Modern World”, will include paper presentations. Jerome shared the conference flyer with the commission.

7.0 Future Commission Meeting -- Austin
The next Publications and Communications Commission meeting will be held in October 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. Specific dates of the meeting are pending, and will be announced in the future.

Manana asked Austin if the other OISTAT commissions will meet in Taipei during the Publication & Communication meeting. Austin replied that currently not as of yet, however, perhaps another commission will come with the PCC meeting. Austin noted that given the nature of the Publication & Communication Commission, it is hard for the commission get an invitation.

It was noted that Prague Quadrennial 2015 was discussed in the Governing Board meeting during the morning session. OISTAT commissions’ wishing to set-up workshops must go through PQ organizers for the upcoming PQ. Commission workshops or OISTAT meetings during PQ 2015 will need to be explored with the Czech OISTAT center. Commissions may need to find other sites for meetings.

8.0 Call for Election
There will be a call for election of the Publications and Communications Commission Chair in 2014.

8.1 Other new business
Carl Walling asked for clarification about the commission’s final decision regarding Dorita Hannah’s 5x5 In Time proposal.

John proposed that the Publications and Communications Commission, “to put forward to the EC that the project can have the OISTAT name, and that the EC will make the final determination”. The motion was seconded.
Publications and Communications commission approved the motion by unanimous consent.

9.0 Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 4.26p