
ARTSCENICO in Berlin 2019

Oct 25, 2018


for questions concerning your representatives, please contact Alexandra Maringer
+33 678 40 43 17 (German, English, French)
if you need help in Germany: Maximilian Lange +49 179 695 99 40 (German, English, Italian) any questions can be sent by email to: office@artscenico.com

As we use the terms „full member“ and „associate member“ in the following text, here a quick excerpt of the proposed statutes: „All organisations that in the view of ARTSCENICO represent audiovisual artists working for Costume or Production Design are eligible to be full members of ARTSCENICO.“ (organisations, not individuals !)

Concerning all other individuals or organisations: „… the General Assembly may admit associate members who in the view of ARTSCENICO support its aims and actions.“ As the first General Assembly has not taken place yet, we only accept Production or Costume Designers from countries without an existing form of organisation (association, guild, …) for now.

* PREPARATION (before Berlin)
The General Assembly (day 2) will be very dense this time, we all need to arrive well prepared to it. If you have not read or thought through the following points beforehand, you will slow the meeting down, and we will not be able to bring the founding meeting to a successful end.

All associations/countries send the names, emails and phone numbers of the official representatives (max 2 per association/max 2 per country) before October 21st. Each member may decide by whatever means it thinks fit who shall represent them at the General Assembly, as long as the person is very fluent in English. Concerning the full members, however, it is strongly recommended, that the representant has a good general knowledge of all the arts, professions and crafts in Costume and Production Design.

Before coming to Berlin, all official representatives are required to read the proposed statutes, and to discuss eventual questions within their associations: https://annuel2.framapad.org/p/ArtScenicoStatutesUC

Please pay special attention to the points 16 and 17. We would like to vote for the first Executive Board during this meeting, at the minimum 1 President and 1 Treasurer and/or 1 Secretary.

* Coming to Berlin, 9th Nov 2018
Arrival of all official participants, we recommend to book a hotel close to Potsdamer Platz.

14:00-17:00 - tour Berlin Babelsberg Studios (registration required, departure at Potsdamer Platz at 13:00 with bus „KUBSCH“): https://www.studiobabelsberg.com

The bus brings us either back to Potsdamer Platz or directly to the restaurant, tba 19:30 informal dinner (location tba, everybody pays his own)

* 1st General Assembly, 10th Nov 2018
DEUTSCHE FILMAKADEMIE, Konferenzraum, Köthener Straße 44, 10963 Berlin (registration required, only full members may vote, food and drinks are provided for full and associate members)
09:30 – get together, coffee
10:00 – official opening speech by VSK, moderation my Maximilian Lange, VSK
1/ Short presentation of the project of association
2/ Presentation, discussion and adoption of the statutes (based on the statutes of FERA and IMAGO):  https://annuel2.framapad.org/p/ArtScenicoStatutesUC

13:30-15:00 lunch break
3/ quick presentation of our first partner IKOULA (https://www.ikoula.com/en)
4/ Election of the Executive Board members (President, Treasurer and/or Secretary)
5/ Approval of the General Assembly, to vote for the rest of the Executive Board online.
6/ determination of the annual fee + banc for account (https://www.credit-cooperatif.coop)
7/ proposal and discussion of projects for 2018/2019

- logo- magazine
- website (funcionality, content, profiles, ..)
- communication (info loop, internal vs national vs Europea, maiuling lists, newsletter, ..)
- be present at festivals
- … (feel free to add your proposition)

8/ proposal and adoption of a date and country for the meeting in  2019
9/ proposal and adoption of a date and country for the first Executive Board  meeting

18:30 – last round
19:00 – closing speech, champagne


Potsdamer Straße 2 | D-10785 Berlin (open to anyone)

The first ARTSCENICO Symposium will deal with the role of the Costume and Production Designers within a film crew and for the creation of a film, how this differs from country to country, and how even the legal situation regarding the copyright varies alot.

The full program will be announced soon, the time schedule is planned as such:
09:30               get together, coffee
10:00               welcome speech

10.15 – 11.15 panel Cocreators or technicians ?
(3-5 international designers speak of their work situation)
11:15 – 11:45  discussion, Q/A
15 min             break
12.00 – 12.30 lecture Does Cocreation stand for Copyright ?
(Dr. Anke Schierholz, lawyer VG-Bildkunst) 12:30 – 13:15  discussion, Q/A
 13.10-15.00 – reception
17:00 – end of reception, official end of ARTSCENICO meeting in Berlin

official subscription of our association in France: https://www.service-public.fr/associations/vosdroits/F1119
- protocol of the General Assembly
- statutes translated into french
- statutes printed and signed by 2 board members
- list of the member associations
- list and IDs of board members and president
- the legal address of the association (with proof of address)

* First Executive Board Meeting
(time and place to be defined on General Assembly)
- prepare election of the Executive Board (voting procedure, formalities etc.)
- announce the budget project
- call for candidates 

* Election of futher Executive Board members
(via the Administrative Council, online)

* Executive Board activities
- prepare meeting 2019, togehter with the hosting country
- work on ongoing projects (decided on General Assembly)