
2003 OISTAT Technology Commission Meeting Minutes

May 7, 2003

OISTAT Technology Commission Meeting

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May 7, 2003
1. Remarks from the Chair
The chairman explained that today was an informal welcome meeting and asked the delegates to introduce themselves.
Jerome Maekelbergh/Belgium/theatermacker@pandora.be
John Mayberry (chair)/Canada/mayberry@yorku.ca
Maija Pekkanen/Finland/pekkanen@maijap.pp.fi
David Braslavi/Israel/braslavi@netvision.net.il
Masaji Ito/Japan/ito@theatre-workshop.co.jp
Louis Janssen (vice chair)/Netherlands/louis@theateradvies.nl
Andrzej Sosnowski/Poland/zutrv@pro.onet.pl
Ada Raicu Petre/Romania/adacadac@hades.ro
Erik Westerlund/Sweden/erik.westerlund@telia.com
Harry Bowerman/UK/hbowerman@nationaltheatre.org.uk
David Ramsey/USA/dlramsey@metrocast.net

2. Notice of other business
Masaji Ito asked about the use of theatre signage. This will be discussed as part of the formal meeting to be held tomorrow.
Maija Pekkanen asked the respective delegates "what state of development each of their Oistat centres had reached".

A general discussion took place with each delegate making a statement.
This meeting closed and the delegates were taken to DTHG Reception.

Thursday 8th May and Friday 9th May
1. Remarks from the Chair
The chairman opened the formal session of the commission and thanked DTHG for its invitation and welcomed the delegates who arrived in time for today’s meetings.

2. Introduction of the Delegates
    Bruno Groesel (Vice chair) /Austria/groesel@ft.tuwien.ac.at
    Ivo Kersmaekers/Belgium/ivo@studio100.be
     Jean-Pierre Decaudin/France/decaudin@libertysurf.fr
     Sandor Böröcz/Hungary/borocz.sandor@lisys.hu
3. Communication

4. Notice of other business
     Theatre signage

5. Minutes of last meeting (London 2002)
     Minutes were agreed after some corrections and updates.

6. Working groups
    Web sites
     A discussion ensued about links between various web pages. It was agreed that a link was needed for D.I.N. standards.

.Action – John M.
     It was explained that only 12 of the 33 member centres have web sites. A request was made from the Technical Commission to the Publication Commission to encourage all National Centres to create their own web sites.

.Action – Jerome.
     There are some difficulties when using another Centre’s web site over language. It was suggested that certain key theatre words should be in English to help give access to these sites.

.Action – Jerome
     The conversation returned to the differences of standards and briefly touched upon Health and Safety issues. A suggestion that we need to have  an H & S working party was rejected. The Chairman explained that in his City province of Ontario, Canada they have a performance standard and  live performance regulations, which he is happy to post on the website.

.Action – J.M.
     He went on to say that there was a very good industry-based standard-setting organisation in the USA called E.S.T.A. and can be found on the web page www.esta.org.

7. Business from members
The chairman read out an outlined briefing note from Masaji regarding the attempt to standardize elements of theatre signage. It was agreed that Masaji (representing Japan) David (USA) and Erik (Sweden) would work on a list that would be supplied by Masaji to highlight the differences around the world. It was also suggested that once this work had been completed, it should be taken forward to the architectural and publications commissions.

Action – Update by October 2003.

8. Interaction with the Architectural Commission
    Aim: To help young (students/trainees) theatre architects.
    Where: Toronto World Stage Design Exhibition 2005.(Sponsored by USITT and CITT)
    How: To help appraise the students’ work.

Action – Louis to discuss with the chair of the Architectural Commission the Letter sent by Maija. A subsequent discussion about whether the Technical Commission could do something similar as a part of its meeting programme with local students from the area where the meeting is held.

9. Theatre Atlas
It was suggested that information about the theatre atlas should be on the Technical Commission web site.
Action – Jerome.

10. News Update.
The French questionnaire about "working conditions within the theatre" will soon be available on their website in English.
New statutes covering the issue of more than one oistat centre per Country will be voted on in Prague.

11. Date and venue for the next meeting
Late November 2004 in Belgium. It is hoped that the meeting will be held to coincide with the Trade Show in Brussels.

12. A.O.B
Our grateful thanks were extended to Karen Winkelsesser for all her help and support in looking after us.

July 2003