
Costume Design Sub-commission Activities in OISTAT 50

Jul 3, 2018

Dear PDC/Costume members and friends, 

In August 2018, we will celebrate the 50-year anniversary of OISTAT at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (RWCMD) in Cardiff, Wales.

In this message, we are sending you information on the upcoming celebration of the OISTAT 50th Birthday in Cardiff. Please find below the following:

  1. The part of the programme that relates to costume (please scroll down). It is the outcome of our discussions in Madrid earlier this year. Please join us to these presentations and discussions!
  2. Important attendance and registration web links. If you are planning to come to Cardiff, please email us, so we can let the organizers know how many of us to expect. Please also register via the OISTAT website. It’s really important to have people sign up.
  3. The Costume Design Sub-commission would like to make a presentation of our activities and the spirit of the group, which has been working together for more than 20 years. Therefore we would like to ask you to send us some photographs from any of the OISTAT Costume meetings you have attended showing us as “creative, funny, crazy and lovely, costume people”. The theme is based on an idea by Lise Klitten discussed at our recent meeting in Madrid. Please send us your photographs by August 15th, 2018 to this email address (pdc_costume@oistat.org) using www.wetransfer.com.
  4. The full programme of the 50th anniversary of OISTAT is available on the following website: https://www.cardiffoistat50.com/
Proposed programme for Cardiff – OISTAT PDC/Costume

"Crazy and Lovely Costume People" - a visual presentation

Break (30' mins)

Round Table: "Costume and Translation"

Significant women in OISTAT - Maija Pekkanen in conversation

Round Table: "Costume and Copyright"

Break (30' mins)

OISTAT Costume Future plans

Please Note:
The PDC/Costume Sub-commission will not hold a separate business meeting. Please join us to the aforementioned programme for an exchange of ideas, dialogue and plans for the future!

The Performance Design Commission (PDC) will hold a meeting on Tuesday 28 August 2018, from 10:00-13:00; the agenda will be ready in next couple of weeks. “This event should really be less about meetings and more about celebration!”

We look forward to seeing you all in Cardiff!

Simona Rybáková, Chair of PDC/C
Sofia Pantouvaki, Vice Chair of PDC/C for Research
Rosane Muniz, Vice Chair of PDC/C for Projects

Download the document in PDF