
The 4th International Theatre Soundscore and Composition Exhibit

Dec 5, 2016

The OISTAT Sound Design Group welcomes creative work for the 4th International Theatre Soundscore and Composition Exhibit at World Stage Design 2017.

The international exhibit is open to all professional and student sound designers, and attendance at World Stage Design is not required. The work will be exhibited in Taipei and in an online collection. The exhibit is coordinated by the OISTAT Sound Design Group, and is not associated with the World Stage Design exhibits sponsored by individual countries. Artists whose pieces will be featured in other exhibits are encouraged to submit additional work for this one.

The Soundscore and Composition Exhibit will feature a variety of creative work that may be categorized as “sound design”. This includes, however is not limited to, original music composed for the theatre or dance, excerpts from a theatre or performance soundscore, class projects, performance art, and sound installations.

Artists may submit up to three pieces for exhibition, from projects created between 2011 and 31 January 2017. The work could be from one project, or from completely separate projects or productions. Each piece may include a supporting image or project photograph. Artists may also choose to display a short biography and a website or portfolio link.

Artists will be prompted to provide the following in the online Exhibit Application:

Artists may choose to include:

All submissions must be original. The artist must hold all copyrights or have permission to exhibit the work without fees or royalties to third party rights holders.

Exhibit submissions will be accepted until 31 January 2017.

Please contact Erik Lawson, the exhibit coordinator, if you have additional questions:

Erik T. Lawson, 2017exhibit@sounddesigngroup.org

More on Sound Design Group 

Exhibit Application