
Online International Scenography Symposium: Tbilisi Biennale of Stage Design 2020

Oct 26, 2020

October 26-28
Monday, October 26
GMT 11:00 - 13:50 (Tbilisi time - 15:00 - 17:50)
I session – moderator: Tamara Janashia (Georgia)
The themes: Artistic process
- The most prominent contemporary trends in scenography of different countries
- How are the current scenography trends reflected at the Prague Quadrennial?
- How is COVID-19 influencing and affecting theater and scenography? How does digitization change the creative process? 

  1. Hamish Muir, Hannah Harding, Blue Bradfield, UK. A Green Design Parliament: Thinking, Talking, Learning, and Designing Sustainably with the Society of British Theatre Designers
  2. Anat Mesner, Israel. A morbid Prophecy from PQ 2019 to Covid-19 All Around the World
  3. Zhao Yan, China. Between Tradition and the Contemporary: Exploration of Chinese Scenic Designers.
  4. Nino Gunia-Kuznetsova, Georgia. Contemporary Georgian Theatre – Is Positive Impact of Covid-19 an Option?  (Curatorial observation).
  5. Lilia Bevziuk-Voloshyna, Ukraine. The Most Prominent Contemporary Trends in Scenography of Ukraine. Current Areas of Scenographic Research of Ukraine.
  6. Snezana Pesic, Canada. Beyond Artistic Practice: Canadian Scenographers in Times of COVID-19.

Topic: International Scenography Symposium of the Tbilisi Biennale of Stage Design 2020 - Session 1

Time: October 26, 2020; GMT 11:00 - 13:50 (Tbilisi time 15:00 - 17:50)

Tuesday, October 27
GMT 11:00 - 13:50 (Tbilisi time - 15:00 - 17:50)
II session – moderator: Nana Kipiani (Georgia)

The themes: Pedagogic process
- Scenography practitioners and educators on their pedagogic experience.
- What is the impact of online education in scenography and performing arts? What are the ways the digital educational methodologies may develop into?


  1. Jonathan Hamilton, UK. The Model Box in Virtual Focus
  2. Tata Tavdishvili, Georgia. Theatrical Educational Process and Physical Theatre in Georgia in the Period of Covid-19
  3. Vessela Statkova, Bulgaria. The Education in Scenography – From Virtual Reality to 3D Printing
  4. Pavlo Bosyy, Canada. The Ancient Greeks Meeting the Contemporary Canadian Playwrights and Artists: Creative Process of Producing The Penelopiad and The Odyssey in the Rotating Repertory Format
  5. Andrea Heilman, USA. Student Covid-related Trauma. 

Topic: International Scenography Symposium of the Tbilisi Biennale of Stage Design 2020 - Session 2

Time: October 27, 2020; GMT 11:00 - 13:50 (Tbilisi time 15:00 - 17:50)


Wednesday, October 28
GMT 11:00 - 13:50 (Tbilisi time - 15:00 - 17:50)
III session – moderator Kate Burnett (UK)
The themes: Research Process
- Current areas of scenography research
- Development of contemporary research methodologies on, and involving, scenography

  1. Filipa Malva, Portugal. Express Notebooks: Drawing in Contemporary Scenography

  2. Guillem Aloy and Antoni Ramon, Catalonia, Spain. Interactive Mapping of Theatrical Spaces Project

  3. Boyana Buchvarova, Bulgaria.  Scenography Today – Thinking Outside the Box

  4. Alice Cruz, Brazil. The Object as a Creation: a Scenographic Methodology

  5. Alceu Silva Neto, Priscila Arantes, Brazil. The Scenography in the Exhibition Environment: Reviewing Research Approaches. 

Topic: International Scenography Symposium of the Tbilisi Biennale of Stage Design 2020 - Session 3

Time: October 28, 2020; GMT 11:00 - 13:50 (Tbilisi time 15:00 - 17:50)

Thursday, 28 October
GMT 14:00 (Tbilisi time - 18:00)
Closing of the exhibition

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