
2010 Scenography and History & Theory Commission Meeting Minutes

Oct 30, 2010

Location:  Amsterdam, the Netherlands

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Download the Call for Paper, Presentations and Posters

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It was organized by the Theaterschool Amsterdam. More than 50 delegates from approximately 20 countries attended the symposium on “the Scenographic Encounters: the moment at which....”

In cooperation with the Theaterschool Amsterdam, the Scenography Commission and the History & Theory Commission had joint meetings, symposia and a series of events in Amsterdam, October.22-24. At the business meetings, Reija Hirvikoski, Chair of SC and Kate Burnett, Chair of H&TC welcomed everyone and thanked Peter de Kimpe and the Theaterschool for their hospitality. The heads of the Scenography Commission Working Groups, Laura Crow, Steven Brown and Henk van de Geest, reported the latest activities of the groups and their projects. The project leaders also made their presentations: Jessica Bowles presented on the latest update of Scenofest in PQ 2011, and Sean Crowley also reported on the planning for WSD 2013.In conjunction with the meetings, an international symposium on the subject of “the Scenographic Encounters: the moment at which....” explored a range of interesting topics on the particularities of contemporary Scenography and its relation to the academic, theatrical and social practices. By exploring the theoretical model for analyzing Scenography, the studies of contemporary theatre designs, the relation between space and scenography as well as the challenge to contemporary scenography posed by the post-modern world, the symposium ’ Scenographic Encounters’ was very stimulating in terms of its diversity and depth.

With the arrangement of the Theaterschool, the group was also invited to see the results of the Triadisch Ballet project, a 21st century version of this famous Schlemmer ballet co-created by the Scenography department and Modern Theatre Dance department of the Theaterschool.