
Recommendations of Bibliogaphy on Theatre Arts

Jun 22, 2015

If you wish to recommend a book, an essay, a journal or an article for the theatre enthusiasts, students, educators and professionals, please proceed here: 

Building the OISTAT Bibliography on Theatre Arts

Architectures du Spectacle au Québec
Author: Jacques Plante and others
Languages: French
Why the book is recommended:
“It presents 52 projects in Québec since 1985 along with 15 essays by specialist in various domain of performance design.” —By Jacques Plante
More book info and where to purchase:

Tags: Architecture, Performance Design, Canadian Theatres
The Empty Space: A Book About the Theatre: Deadly, Holy, Rough, Immediate
Author: Peter Brook
Languages: English & Traditional Chinese
Why the book is recommended:
“Full of ideas about making theater but without prescriptions. As theater seems to become deadlier and deadlier with each passing year, this book remains an important touchstone for practitioners.” —By Joe Pino
More book info and where to purchase:
http://goo.gl/5Pl3Rf (English)
http://goo.gl/FzE5gr (Traditional Chinese)
Tags: Performance Design, Space Design
The Dramatic Imagination: Re Reflections and Speculations on the Art of the Theatre, Reissue
Author: Robert Edmond Jones
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
“First published in 1941 republished by Routledge in 2004. This book by a historic inspirational innovator, scenic, lighting and costume designer.” —By Michael Ramsaur
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Adolphe Appia's Music and the Art of the Theatre
Author: Adolphe Appia
Languages: English & French
Why the book is recommended:
1. “A historic book addressing the art and aesthetics of stage Design. Appia's book "Musique et mise en scene "first published in 1897.” —By Michael Ramsaur
2. “Written in 1897, Appia proposes a relationship between the aural (music) and visual aspects of drama in which the latter takes its cues from the former. Groundbreaking yet undervalued and even unknown to contemporary designers.” —By Joe Pino
More book info and where to purchase:

Tags: Stage Design, Drama, Opera, Music, Performance Design
Creative Theatre
Author: Roy Mitchell
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
“Interesting thoughts about what theatre is and/or what it can be from the context of a theatre practitioner in North America in the 1920's.” —By Robert R. Scales
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Performance Design, North American Theatres, Criticism
Theatricality as Medium
Author: Samuel Weber
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
“In today's mediatised age the notion of "theatricality" applies, as Weber elegantly points out in his multi-perspective conceptual constellation of a book, beyond the derivatives of "theatre" and of "scene". Rather than a mode of representation, theatricality seems to be a quality that cuts through the society in multiple levels. In his "dynamic media theory" Weber de-constructs, but not only that – drawing all the way from antiquity he show that some of the classics are in the age of electronic media more contemporary than ever.” —By Maiju Loukola
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Performance Design, Criticism
Bühnentechnik der Gegenwart
Author: Friedrich Kranich
Languages: German
Why the book is recommended:
“A historic set of two volumes published in 1929 and 1931 containing extensive information about theater machinery and techniques from German from that time.” —By Michael Ramsaur
More book info and where to purchase:

Tags: Technology, Performance Design, Theatre Machinery
Trattato di Scenotecnica
Author: Bruno Mello
Languages: Italian
Why the book is recommended:
“It's a book of 1970 but still useful on the techniques of the theater.” —Umberto Di Nino
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Technology, Performance Design
Silence: Lectures and Writings
Author: John Cage
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
“This is one of the essential works on sound, music and space. The influence of the ideas contained in the book can be seen/heard even in the works of those who have never read it.” —By Joe Pino
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Sound, Music, Performance Design
The Gardener of Theatre: Nieh, Kuan-Yen
Author: Nieh, Kuan-Yen
Languages: Traditional Chinese
Why the book is recommended:
“Published in 2007, an homage, biography, and designography of an important historical and contemporary stage designer of Taiwan.” —By Michael Ramsaur
More book info:
*Please note that the book is out-of-print.
Tags: Stage Design, Biography
The Designs of Jules Fisher
Author: Delbert Unruh
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
“Published in 2009, a profile of the work of an important and successful contemporary American Lighting Designer.” —By Michael Ramsaur
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Lighting, Biography, performance Design.
The Magic of Light: The Craft and Career of Jean Rosenthal, Pioneer in Lighting for the Modern Stage
Author: Jean Rosenthal, Lael Wertenbaker, and Marion Kinsella
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
“Published in 1972, this is an inspiring account of stage lighting by an outstanding first generation U.S.A. lighting designer.” —By Michael Ramsaur
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Lighting, Performance Design, Biography
Faszination Licht : Licht auf der Bühne
Author: Max Keller
Languages: German
Why the book is recommended:
“Outstanding images related to the technology and art of Lighting Design” —By Michael Ramsaur
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Lighting, Performance Design, Technology
A Method of Lighting the Stage
Author: Stanley McCandless
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
“A historic book first published in 1932, last edition 1958 on a method of approaching lighting design.” —By Michael Ramsaur
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Lighting, Performance Design, Technology
Let There be Light: Entertainment Lighting Software Pioneers in Conversation
Author: Robert Bell & Richard Pilbrow
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
“Published in 2004 the book contains many contributed chapters by hardware and software pioneers in the Stage Lighting Discipline.” —By Michael Ramsaur
More book info and where to purchase:
http://goo.gl/op16v7 (Kindle Edition)
http://goo.gl/4ZJ1gz (Paperback)
Tags: Lighting, Performance Design
Lighting in the Theatre
Author: Gosta M. Bergman
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
“Published in 1977, an extensive history of stage lighting.” —By Michael Ramsaur
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Lighting, Performance Design
Concert Lighting: Techniques, Art and Business
Author: James Moody & Paul Dexter
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
“Published in 2009, is a comprehensive primer on lighting design for rock concerts and corporate presentations.” —By Michael Ramsaur
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Lighting, Technology, Cross-media, Concert Design
At Full: Focus on Stage Lighting Technology and Applications
Editor: I-Hua Kao
Languages: Traditional Chinese
Why the book is recommended:
This book specializes in stage lighting technology, from lighting system to all the components such as lighting instruments, and from electricity to lighting protocols. It contains both theoretical and practical knowledge, along with images for full understanding.
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Lighting, Technology, Lighting System, Lighting Control, Electricity
Beyond Everydayness - Theatre Architecture in Central Europe
Chief editor: Igor Kovačević(CZ)
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
"it is the most complete systematical mapping of theatre architectural heritage in the Central European region and beautiful book. " — By Jan K Rolnik
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Education, Architecture, Research, Publication & Communication
The Architecture of EMPAC: The Tangible and The Tantalizing: The Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Art Center
Author: Mark Mistur
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
"The Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) is an extraordinary theatre facility like no other for artists and researchers of new forms of media. This book outlines the process of designing a performing arts center and classroom building to meet 21st century requirements.
Essays by Sir Nicholas Grimshaw, acoustician R. Lawrence Kirkegaard, theater design consultant Joshua Dachs and Grimshaw Architects' partner involved in the project from beginning to end William Horgan, each examine the question of performance- based design integration and tell the stories of innovations that resulted from their various important points of view. " — By Lawrence Curry
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Architecture, Technology, Design, Research
Innovations in Stage and Theatre Design
Editor: Francis Hodge, American Society for Theatre Research
Authors: Donald Oenslager, Frederick Hunter, George Izenour, Hugh Hunt, Gunter Schone, Edmund Stadler, Margaret Dietrich, Ferenc Hont, and Filip Kalan Kumbatovic
Languages: English
Why the book is recommended:
“This book is a collection of essays from some of the past greats of theatre and architecture design. Included are entries from George Izenour, Donald Oenslager, and Gunter Schone to name a few.” — By Richard Bryant
More book info and where to purchase:
Tags: Research, Publication & Communication, Education