
2013 Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts

Jun 29, 2012

Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts
Theatre Academy Helsinki
28th February - 2nd March 2013

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The Performing Arts Research Centre at the Theatre Academy Helsinki invites artistic researchers at doctoral and post-doctoral levels to take part in the second biannual colloquium on artistic research in performing arts, which will focus on :

CARPA 3, the third colloquium of artistic research in performing arts takes as its starting point the increasing demands on impact placed on all forms of research today. We are interested in the performance of artistic research and the various forms of effects, affects and side-effects produced by artistic research projects. How do expectations on efficacy relate to the so called performative turn in social sciences? What is the relationship between artistic research and performance studies? What forms of shared authorship and collaboration does performance as research support? What are the results of our research projects? We invite proposals of presentations (demonstrations, workshops, papers) related to the following broad concerns:

Performance studies and artistic research? Performance studies and the expanded field of performance acknowledge performance practices extending outside the realm of art into the everyday; artistic research and practice extend the academic traditions of performance studies, “doing” what performance studies have propagated but not always realised (Mckenzie, Lee & Roms 2010)

Performance as research? The performer as researcher, performer as author, authorship and performance, shared authorship, participatory strategies in performance related to the “transformative power of performance” and the performative turn in the arts (Fischer-Lichte 2008), participation as a key strategy in contemporary art (Bishop 2006). Humanistic research mostly consists of individual undertakings, while artistic practice in performing arts is often collaborative. Collaboration in artistic research? Limits and problems of collaboration? Is it politically correct to work alone today? Collaborating and performing with what or whom?

Performativity of artistic research? Performative research as an extension of qualitative research or a distinct paradigm, research producing what it names (Haseman 2006)? Artistic research as performative, producing effects in the world, as successful or unsuccessful (happy or unhappy) rather than true or false (Bolt 2008); how can we study the relevance of artistic research from inside the practice? What are the results and outputs of artistic research? What kind of impact do we expect to produce with our artistic research?

Call for presentations

We kindly encourage you to submit a proposal for presentation. Proposals should include a purpose statement, research topic or research questions, a description of the arrangement of the presentation and any practical requirements (space, equipment and so on). Presentation can take the form of an installation, experiment, workshop, performance, rehearsal, exercise, discussion, test or paper presentation.

Please send proposals via email to carpa@teak.fi  no later than 1st October 2012.

Applicants will be informed of their acceptance by 31st October 2012 and asked to confirm their participation by 11th January 2013.

The purpose of CARPA is to contribute to the development of artistic research practices in the field of the performing arts and to foster their social, pedagogical and ecological connections. For previous colloquia, see http://www.teak.fi/carpa

Seminar fee: 60€

The Colloquium Venue:
The colloquium will be held at the Theatre Academy in Helsinki. The Academy is situated near the centre of the city. It is well served with public transport from the airport and the main railway station and is easily reached by metro, tram or bus. http://www.teak.fi/

Further Information:
For further information on the colloquium, please contact:
Professor Esa Kirkkopelto esa.kirkkopelto@teak.fi or
Professor Annette Arlander annette.arlander@teak.fi

The Performing Arts Research Centre (Tutke),
Theatre Academy, Haapaniemenkatu 6, PL 163, FI-00531 Helsinki
Teatterikorkeakoulu/Teaterhögskolan/Theatre Academy/
tel. +358 (0)9 431 361, fax. +358 (0)9 753 0170,

Kind regards,

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Annika Fredriksson
Tutkimuskoordinaattori/Forskningskoordinator/Research Coordinator

Teatterikorkeakoulu/Teaterhögskolan/Theatre Academy Helsinki
Esittävien taiteiden tutkimuskeskus/Forskningscentrum för teater, dans och performance/Performing Arts Research Centre
Haapaniemenkatu 6, 00530 Helsinki