
2012 Scenography and History & Theory Commission Meeting Minutes

Mar 30, 2012

Download the Minutes

Schedule for OISTAT Symposium and joint commissions meetings
Thursday 22 – Saturday 24 March 2012/The University of Nevada Las Vegas

Click here to download the prelim program
Click here to download the schedule
Click here to download complete information

Call for Papers:
Click here to download the submission form

Spectacle, Extravaganza, Cultural Implications and the Body
This is a solicitation for papers for presentation at the Las Vegas meeting of OISTAT Scenography and History and Theory Commission 22 - 24 March 2012. We are seeking paper presentations on successful productions, historical perspective, current research that you would like to share with the membership at this meeting. The papers will be presented at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed.

Please send an abstract or proposal of up to 300 words or les.

Submission Deadline: 30 December 2011
At this point in time, it is not possible to provide honoraria or cover any travel expenses.

Email notifications of acceptance will be made by January 29, 2011.

For other questions regarding the peer reviewed presentation process, please contact: Gini Vogel
Email:  vlv519@hotmail.com or Virginia.vogel@gmail.com

Call for Art: 
Click here to download the submission form

Spectacle, Extravaganza, Cultural Implications and the Body
This is a solicitation for an art exhibition in conjunction with OISTAT Scenography and History and Theory Commission Meeting in Las Vegas, 22 - 24 March 2012. With the thematic exploration of Spectacle, Extravaganza, Cultural Implications and the Body

We are seeking art from both professionals and emerging artists. Both groups will be represented. The art should represent productions realized or conceptual. Negotiations are still in process to allow this exhibition to reach a wider audience. Although the emphasis is on two-dimensional works for exhibition there is limited opportunity for 3-d objects in Reno and Las Vegas at this point in time.

Exhibition dates in Reno, Nevada at the University of Nevada, Reno’s IGT Gallery is the only space at this point which will be able to support video or digital images.

Digital submissions should be in JPEG format, not larger then 800x600 at widest/tallest dimension (72 dpi), max. 4 mb, or a .pdf file with image, and must be labeled with the artist’s last name and number of the entry if submitting more than one image for consideration. Example: LASTNAME 1.jpg

Image submissions deadline for the Nevada exhibitions is 15 December 2011 with notification by 1 January. The work should arrive by 29 January 2012 for the Reno exhibition and by 15 March 2012 for the Las Vegas exhibition.

Work should be matted and /or framed and exhibition ready.
Gini Vogel
Email:  vlv519@hotmail.com or Virginia.vogel@gmail.com


Call for Art: 
Click here  to download the submission form

Show and Tell [PechaKucha] session
This is a solicitation for a participation in a Show and Tell presentation of your own work to be held in Reno and Las Vegas as a component of OISTAT Scenography and History and Theory Commission Meeting in Las Vegas 22- 25 March 2012.

We are seeking art from both professionals and emerging artists. Both groups will be represented. The art should represent productions realized or conceptual.

PechaKucha is a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. Thus, each presenter has just 6 minutes and 40 seconds to explain their ideas before the next takes the stage. It's a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.

You will include your 20 images in a timed PowerPoint presentation. Please include in the PowerPoint the following information: your identification, your role in the event or production, production year and location.  Please label the file with your last name and submit either on a CD or through a website for transferring large files, for example: Wetransfer (https://www.wetransfer.com/), Drop Box, You Send It, Send Space or any other site of your choice.

It is best to Show and Tell about your work in person; if you cannot travel to Las Vegas for the session, you do not need to be present. But your PowerPoint will still be shown.  The submission deadline for the Show and Tell is 20 January 2012.

Gini Vogel
Email:  vlv519@hotmail.com or Virginia.vogel@gmail.com

With many thanks, we look forward to your responses and participation!
LINK (Open 7.12.2011) to registration (and submission forms):

Virginia Vogel             
University of Nevada Reno   
vlv519@hotmail.com or Virginia.vogel@gmail.com

Judy Ryerson
Coordinator for MFA Design and Technology Programs
Associate Professor - Costume Design
Department of Theatre, UNLV

Dorita Hannah (PhD)
Professor, Chair of OISTAT HTC Commission, Member of OISTAT GB
Spatial Design: College of Creative Arts, Massey University
Wellington: NEW ZEALAND

Reija Hirvikoski
Artist Professor, Doctor of Arts
Chair of OISTAT Scenography Commission, Member of OISTAT GB

(If you need an invitation letter by your own name, please contact Reija Hirvikoski or Dorita Hannah.)