
Obituary of Sjef Tilly

Aug 15, 2019

Again we have to bring very sad news. It is with great grief that we have to report that, after a short serious illness, Sjef Tilly passed away this week. 
Working at the Academy in Maastricht, Sjef has taught and inspired many students in a passionate way. Sjef was a smart, subtle, elegant, thoughtful and generous man. He has been of great importance to his field, his students and to OISTAT. Sjef has been involved with OISTAT for many years, especially in the Education Commission.
His professional persistence, erudition and quality driven way of working has led to memorable meetings and results, of which the Maastricht meeting in April 2012 was an especially memorable one. Sjef always had an eye for the broader perspective, and has actively worked cross borders on collaborations and joined events, both for the benefit of his students as well as for theatre arts in general. His contribution to student events in PQ is memorable.
So many lovely memories, such a lovely friend.
Sjef will be dearly missed.