
Invitation to Publication & Communication Meeting, September 12, 2013, Cardiff, UK

Aug 13, 2013

September 12,2013, Cardiff, UK

Dear Colleagues,

The annual Publication & Communication Commission meeting will be held on September 12th 14:30-16:00 at AHC Conference Room in Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama in Cardiff, UK in conjunction with World Stage Design 2013. World Stage Design 2013 is an important project of OISTAT and is the rare occasion in which theatre professionals, practitioners and artists worldwide gather to celebrate the latest innovative designs of the globe. On our meeting agenda, will be:
- Promoting World Scenography and Digital Theatre Words
- 2014 PCC meeting in Taiwan, tentatively scheduled for October
- 2014 PCC Chair elections
- PCC future

This would be a great opportunity to see old friends and make new friends, please let me know if you will be able to attend the meeting.  If you cannot attend the meeting and would like anything brought to discussions, please email me at austwang@gmail.com

Look forward to seeing you this fall. 

Austin Wang
Chair of Publication & Communication Commission