
16-18 September, 2006, Belgrade, Serbia

Sep 19, 2006

Download the Minutes

Saturday, 16 September
The British Council, Terazije 8

New Technologies in Theatre, Seminar
Joint open session of OISTAT Technology Commission, Publications and Communications Commission.

Attending for Technology Commission:
Eric Westerlund (STTF Sweden), Bert Determann (VPT Netherlands), Fritz Schwentker (USITT USA), Sandor Böröcz (HSTT, Hungary), Pavel Dautovsky (ČOSDAT, Czech Rep.), Martin Tschermak (DTHG, Germany), John Mayberry (CITT/ICTS, Canada), Ivo Kersmaekers (BASTT, Belgium), Aleksandar Brkič (YUSTAT, Serbia), Andrzej Sosnowski (Polish OISTAT Centre, Poland)

Martin Tschermak, DTHG (Germany)
Theatre Technology/Economics Today
Andrzej Sosnowski, Polish OISTAT Centre, Poland
Sinus Dimmers for Theatre Lighting: Plus and Contra
John Mayberry, CITT, Canada
A New Theatre for Performance and Education
Bert Determann, VPT, Netherlands

CEN Workshop Progress
Saturday, 16 September
2:45 pm
TIS Hostel, Koste Abrasevica 17

Business Meeting 1, OISTAT Technology Commission
Sandor Böröcz (HSTT, Hungary)
Aleksandar (Alex/Sasha) Brkič (YUSTAT, Serbia)
Pavel Dautovsky (ČOSDAT, Czech Rep.)
Bert Determann (VPT Netherlands)
Ivo Kersmaekers (BASTT, Belgium) - Chair
John Mayberry (CITT/ICTS, Canada) - Vice Chair
Fritz Schwentker (USITT USA)
Andrzej Sosnowski (Polish OISTAT Centre, Poland)
(due to some travel difficulties, Mr. Sosnowski missed part of the meeting)
Martin Tschermak (DTHG, Germany)
Eric Westerlund (STTF Sweden).

1. Welcome and Introductions
The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming and introducing the delegates.

2. Appoint Meeting Secretary – John Mayberry

3. Communications and Correspondence
The Chair read letters of regret from Pu Lin (TATT, Taiwan) and Bruno Grösel (OETHG, Austria). Mr. Grösel’s letter also included the news that the new Austrian standard for stage equipment will be ready at the end of the year. He will keep the Technology Commission informed on this.

4. Reports from OISTAT
The Chair announced that the Reports from OISTAT, including a presentation by Marina Raytchinova on Scenofest at PQ 07, would be happen at tomorrow’s meeting, Sunday Sep.17.

5. Minutes of Taipei Meeting
The minutes from the Taipei meeting were unanimously approved.

6. Business Arising from Minutes:
SICA [General Discussion]

SICA, an initiative of the European Community, was generally felt to be something of relevance to arts groups, and not technicians. The original intention had been for the Europeans on the Technology Commission to take news of SICA back to their members. There seems to be no real need for the TC to be further involved. The Education Commission may be pursuing a connection.

7. Review Agenda for meeting
It was noted that two of the items on the Agenda, CEN Workshop on Lifting Equipment for Stages within the Entertainment Industry, and The Changing Economics and Responsibility of the Theatre Technician, had been covered in presentations by Mr. Determann and Mr. Tschermak earlier in the day.

Risk Assessment [General Discussion]
Differing practices, expectations, and legal requirements in different countries were described.
     Ÿ For example, in Belgium, Ivo’s company requires three RAs:
     One on seeing the design (RA done by the Production Manager)
     One when the set is delivered (RA done by the Stage Manager)
     One on opening night (also by the SM- though this one rarely happens)

     ACTION: Ivo will provide a sample of a Belgian Risk Assessment to post on the TC website.

     Ÿ In Holland, there must be a RA done for each production and for each working condition
     ACTION: Bert will provide an example of a Dutch Risk Assessment to post on the TC website.

Discussion concerning other sources of Risk Assessment tables and information. German forms are available on the DTHG website. The UK also has RA requirements that should be examined.

     ACTION: John will find information on UK Risk Assessment practice and forward it to Ivo for inclusion on the TC website.

Costing Forms [General Discussion]
It seems that most technical directors and production managers design their own costing templates, using spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel. It was decided to put some examples on the TC website, for the benefit of others.

ACTION: TC members will send Ivo examples of costing forms to put on the website.

Sample Solutions for Theatre Design [General Discussion]
This was a topic first suggested in Toronto in March 2005 by Mr. Hazem Shebl, an Egyptian designer who was looking for some examples of theatres of different sizes with their normal equipment requirements. It was generally agreed that this sort of information is now easily available on the websites of most theatres, and that there is little reason for the TC to pursue this question. Of course, anyone is welcome to contact TC members for advice and information about individual theatres in the members’ home countries.

Support to practitioners in economically challenged and emerging countries
[General Discussion]
A far-ranging discussion of how the TC can assist technicians in emerging countries (such as Serbia). Some points noted:
     Ÿ Some useful information is available on the OISTAT Technology Commission Website, and we would like to add to this
     Ÿ The best way to exchange information is at meetings
     Ÿ Those from emerging countries may have difficulty getting to meetings
     Ÿ A newsletter can help keep communication happening
     Ÿ Theatre festivals are good occasions for smaller meetings where helpful interchanges can happen- perhaps the TC can help people share information about festivals (for example, YUSTAT was relying on people coming to BITEF for lectures, etc.)
     Ÿ The TC can be a source for people to contact in various cities in order to get or send out information .

Alex talked about the situation in Serbia, where there are a number of problems. Theatre technicians need more education. Many technicians lack expertise and instruction in the use of the equipment they have available. Alex is working to address this in several ways, including asking promoters to provide feedback on the quality of technical support on festivals, and asking for visiting technicians to provide training in fundamental skills such as cable-coiling and labeling, etc. This seems to be working. Alex is interested in the idea of training "all-around" technicians.

It was decided to make Serbia a "Pilot Project" of the Technology Commission. The idea is a little vague, but it is agreed that the initiative must come from YUSTAT. It is explained that YUSTAT is an organization with a mandate, but no real "membership", i.e. anyone who is interested is free to participate in its activities. This may pose some challenges.

Perhaps there is a possibility of arranging something through the University of Arts in Belgrade, which now has a module in "management of technical theatre", and is likely to want some input into the content of this course.

ACTION: Alex will develop some proposals for the TC to provide guidance in the developing of training for theatre technicians in Serbia

It is noted that Martin Tschermak’s presentation on Theatre Technology/ Economics Today, with its discussion of Production Centres, is a good example of the sorts of things the TC can continue addressing. This is the sort of discussion on economics and theatre production that can benefit all members, both in emerging and more established economies.

Alex describes the current situation in Serbia where there are two models of technician’s work. In the old model, the technician works 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, and then overtime starts. In newer theatres, technicians are on a straight salary, but are required to come in and work whenever there’s work to do. There is some discussion of how the stagehands union, IATSE, functions in North America. It is suggested that Alex talk to Marina Raytchinova of the Education Commission about educational programs.

Finally, there is a discussion about how to increase the visibility of the TC and its meetings to the local communities in the member countries. It is agreed there are two main thrusts to pursue. One is to make sure the TC broadcasts and publicizes the work it is doing. The other is to try to find out what the local community wants to know, and try to supply that knowledge.

For example, there are a number of sources for technicians’ tricks and solutions, and the TC can publicize these and provide links to them.

ACTION: Fritz will provide Ivo with links to Tech Briefs and other technical solution sources for the TC website.

ACTION: John will provide Ivo with links to Prisoners’ Inventions and other technical solution links for the TC website.

The TC Section on the OISTAT Website
[General discussion]

This item led quickly into a discussion about joint work with other commissions. Ivo has been talking to Reinhold Daberto of the Architecture Commission about some joint projects, such as Scenofest.

ACTION: Ivo will keep the TC informed about joint initiatives as they develop.

Pavel notes that the TC has a whole day at their disposal at Scenofest at PQ 07, and the commission should start planning their involvement. It is decided that the Commission will wait to talk to Marina Raytchinova tomorrow about Scenofest before deciding on a course of action.

Fritz suggests putting a link on the TC website to USITT’s technical riders.

Action: Fritz will provide Ivo with a link to USITT’s technical riders.

It is noted that at the last meeting in Taipei the TC decided what would be on the TC website. Now the TC must provide that service.

The TC Section in the OISTAT Portfolio

Ivo will talk to Karin Winkelsesser about the content for the TC page of the new OISTAT portfolio.

Meeting adjourned 5:45 pm.
Sunday, 17 September
10:00 am
TIS Hostel, Koste Abrasevica 17


Open Session
Website working session- Eric de Ruijter led a session on how to use the new OISTAT website. Passwords for the various commissions are available from the secretariat.
Sunday, 17 September
12:20 pm
TIS Hostel, Koste Abrasevica 17

Joint Meeting: OISTAT Technology Commission, Publications and Communications Commission
Introduction of TC and PCC and their work.

Ivo Kersmaekers reported on Saturday’s meeting, noting the topics (see minutes of Sep 16):
     Ÿ Risk assessment
     Ÿ Costing Forms
     Ÿ Technical economics
     Ÿ Needs of emerging countries, e.g. Serbia
     Ÿ Renewed interest in Theatre Data Base
     Ÿ Technical Riders/production riders
     Ÿ Serbian Pilot Project

Ivo received some clarification about the OISTAT portfolio. The TC will generate an information page for this folder.

ACTION: Ivo will coordinate an information page for the TC’s part of the OISTAT folder.

Eric de Ruijter reported on the work of the PC and their earlier meeting, noting the topics:
     Ÿ New Theatre Words
     Ÿ Making previously-published articles available on the OISTAT website
     (still to be determined WHO will edit this project)
     Ÿ Scenofest
     - PCC will participate in the press office, a daily newspaper, and the catalogue
     - a suggestion to interview scenographers at PQ

The meeting adjourned for lunch at approximately 2:00pm, and resumed at 4:05 pm.

Olle Söderberg reported on New Theatre Words, with a demonstration of how the web-based NTW would work. The past editors of the various language sections will be asked if they want to continue as editors for the new updates. People with suggestions for editors will get their email addresses to Olle within two weeks.

ACTION: Anyone with a suggestion for a NTW editor will send the email address to Olle Söderberg.
The joint session was adjourned at 5:00 pm

Sunday, 17 September
5:15 pm
TIS Hostel, Koste Abrasevica 17

Business Meeting 2, OISTAT Technology Commission

Sandor Böröcz (HSTT, Hungary)
Aleksandar (Alex/Sasha) Brkič (YUSTAT, Serbia)
Pavel Dautovsky (ČOSDAT, Czech Rep.)
Bert Determann (VPT Netherlands)
Ivo Kersmaekers (BASTT, Belgium) - Chair
John Mayberry (CITT/ICTS, Canada) - Vice Chair
Fritz Schwentker (USITT USA)
Andrzej Sosnowski (Polish OISTAT Centre, Poland)
Martin Tschermak (DTHG, Germany)
Eric Westerlund (STTF Sweden)
Darko Nicolic (YUSTAT, Serbia)

Marina Raytchinova, Education Commission and Scenofest
Marina Raytchinova presented information about Scenofest, the collection of activities at PQ 07 sponsored by the OISTAT Education Commission. Some points noted:
     Ÿ All OISTAT members, including the TC, are encouraged to take part
     Ÿ Scenofest is a huge program, much bigger and involving more people than Scenofest at PQ03.
     Ÿ Technical Theatre, and New Media are both part of the program
     Ÿ Anyone who wants to volunteer can write to info@scenofest.org
     Ÿ All technical workshops will be in two venues
     - the Scenofest Central Hall- low budget, cardboard walls, designed/coordinated by Jean-Guy LeCat
     - Alfred ve Dvore Theatre
     Ÿ There will be a number of workshops, from ½-2 days long, with 10-15 students each
     Ÿ Applications will open in January 07
     Ÿ Volunteers are needed to supervise students in workshops, etc.
     Ÿ There will be digital exhibitions, available on computers, streaming video, etc.
     Ÿ There will be a daily digital newspaper, and workshops, lectures, etc., will be archived digitally, and may be available on the Scenofest CD
     Ÿ Scenofest still needs help/volunteers/ in the areas of:
        Web design
        Stage Management
        Technical staff
        Online e-learning
        Streaming video online
        Recording performances on video
     Ÿ All proposals are welcome

There was a spirited discussion about TC members’ possible contributions to workshops at Scenofest. Some suggestions:
     Ÿ A workshop that puts a Design student together with a Technical student to collaborate on a theatrical solution
     Ÿ Having TC members participate in critiques of the outcomes of the Birds workshop
     Ÿ Organize a roundtable, or forum, of Technical Directors to discuss/ answer questions, etc.

Marina said there was room for 3-5 technical sessions or workshops. There was some question about a "Tech Day" at PQ 07. Pavel will find out more information on this.

ACTION: Any TC member with an idea for a Scenofest workshop, or a desire to take part in Scenofest, will send this information to Marina Raytchinova.

ACTION: Pavel Dautovsky will report back to Ivo Kersmaekers as soon as he has more information about "Tech Day" at PQ 07.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.

Monday, 18 September
10:30 am
Museum of Applied Arts, Vuka Karadzica 18

Business Meeting 3, OISTAT Technology Commission

Aleksandar (Alex/Sasha) Brkič (YUSTAT, Serbia)
Pavel Dautovsky (ČOSDAT, Czech Rep.)
Bert Determann (VPT Netherlands)
Ivo Kersmaekers (BASTT, Belgium) - Chair
John Mayberry (CITT/ICTS, Canada) - Vice Chair
Ema Pajič (YUSTAT, Serbia)
Fritz Schwentker (USITT USA)
Martin Tschermak (DTHG, Germany)
Eric Westerlund (STTF Sweden)
Ivo went over the action items from the previous meetings, reminding members of their commitments, with deadlines:



.Risk Assessment- each member to provide whatever he/she can to Ivo Kersmaekers (translated into English) by March 1, 2007.
.Costing Forms- sent to Ivo Kersmaekers by March 1, 2007.
.Alex Brkič will put together a draft proposal for the Serbian Pilot Project within 2 weeks.
.Ivo Kersmaekers will put the Theatre Atlas template on the TC website within 2 weeks.
.Production Riders- The working group of Ivo Kersmaekers, Alex Brkič, and Eric Westerlund will start the following process:
     - collect good examples of riders, including some from USITT contacts provided by Fritz Schwentker
     - make a draft template
     - make an intro for the examples
     - get a DVD of a load-in from Alex Brkič
     - Ivo Kersmaekers will put all this information on the TC webpage
.John Mayberry will write a paragraph introducing the TC for the OISTAT Portfolio and provide 3 pictures of technicians at work, by November 1.
.Ivo Kersmaekers will put TC members’ current information on the TC webpage immediately.
.Theatre Words- TC members who have volunteered to find editors in their languages will do so.
.CEN Working Group- Bert Determann will continue attending meetings, and will provide notes from meetings to Ivo Kersmaekers as they occur, so Ivo can publish them. Bert will also get English information to Fritz Schwentker.
.PQ/Scenofest - Pavel Dautovsky will coordinate all the TC involvement with PQ. All proposals for involvement will be sent to Pavel, copied to Ivo, by November 1, 2006.

Reminder of suggestions:
- Technical Directors’ Forum- Bert Determann will coordinate
- Technicians’ Tour of the PQ exhibits – Bert will coordinate
- Workshop for designers and Technicians to collaborate – John Mayberry will coordinate
- Critiques of Scenography students by Technical professionals- Bert will coordinate
- Panel Discussion on economic implications of technical choices- Martin Tschermak will coordinate
- Bert will ask Olle Söderberg if it would be appropriate to make a presentation on CEN at PQ

Next Meeting
There was discussion about possible meetings. Members were reminded that a "low-cost" meeting is always a possibility, if necessary.
      Ÿ Fritz will explore the possibility of Houston, Texas, in March 2008.
      Ÿ Pavel will look into the possibility of an invitation to meet during PQ 07 in June 2007
      Ÿ Bert said that Amsterdam is always a possibility.

Thank you to Hosts
A heartfelt thank you was extended by the entire Technology Commission to our wonderful hosts in Belgrade. After thanking the two YUSTAT members present, Ema and Alex, the Commission asked them to pass their thanks on to Irena Sentevska and the rest of the team.

Meeting adjourned at 12:05 pm

Final thanks must be given to the chefs for our final night’s feast, especially the barbecue man, Darko Nicolic, who provided a mountain of excellent food.