
Newsletter January 2006

Jan 20, 2006


Transfer of the OISTAT Secretariat to Taipei, Taiwan
OISTAT President Michael Ramsaur announces that the Secretariat is as of January 1, 2006 active in Taipei, Taiwan.  OISTAT has a new Executive Director, OISTAT Vice President Wei-Wen Chang, and a new Secretary Jane Lui.  Former Administrative Director Jennifer Walker, will remain actively working for the organisation in her new role as Director of Development.
To read the letter

OISTAT Signs Agreement with Taiwan CCA
Taiwan Association for Theatre Technology hosted the OISTAT Governing Board, and Technology Commission in November 2005.  Following nearly 18 months of planning, discussion, and negotiation, a formal agreement was signed between OISTAT and the Taiwan Council for Cultural Affairs at a Ceremony held in conjunction with the meetings.

During the Ceremony, OISTAT Governing Board members gave the CCA officers and TATT committee gifts from their country, in return the Governing Board members received Chinese names.

To read the full article

Technology Commission elects new Chair
During their annual meeting, held in Taipei, Taiwan the Technology Commission elected Ivo Kersmaekers from the Belgian Association of Scenographers and Theater Technicians as their new Chair.

To read about his vision for the Technology Commission

Record Breaking Number of Delegates Attended the 2005 Education Commission Meeting in UK
The 2005 meeting of the Education Commission, Nov 29th - Dec 4th, took place  in both London and Nottingham and was  hosted by London College of Fashion, Central School of Speech and Drama, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, and Nottingham Trent University.

More than 55 international OISTAT delegates and over 90 educators from various design programs from across the UK attended the meeting and  the UK/OISTAT EduCom International Symposium on Design for Performance and Interdisciplinarity, held in conjunction.

Minutes of this invigorating event will be published soon on the pages of the Education Commission.

To go to the Education Commission page

Call for Candidates: Chair of the History and Theory and Scenography Commission
The History and Theory Commission and Scenography Commission will meet in Tel Aviv, Israel from May 28-31, hosted by the Israeli Centre of OISTAT.  President Michael Ramsaur has called for candidates for Chair for both Commissions.

To read the Call for History and Theory Commission
To read the Call for the Scenography Commission

OISTAT Architecture Competition seeks Sponsors
The Architecture Commission calls on OISTAT Centres to assist in finding sponsors for the 2007 Architecture Competition.

To read letter from Chair Reinhold Daberto

2006 Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference in the UK
Long time OISTAT member Richard Brett has extended an offer to OISTAT members to attend the 2006 Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference in London June 11-13, receiving the members rate for registration.

New Funding Page on the OISTAT Website
With the new Secretariat of OISTAT up and operating in Taipei, Taiwan, former Administrative Director, Jennifer Walker has begun her new work in Amsterdam as OISTAT’s Director of Development.  One of her primary responsibilities will be fundraising and development for OISTAT and OISTAT projects.  To this end OISTAT’s website has a new funding page.  Here you will find information and web links to foundations and other organisations that fund projects and initiatives in OISTAT fields.  OISTAT members can send information on other funding sources, and in this way we develop a comprehensive list.

Funding Sources

Coming Meetings