
Tentative Agenda of the OISTAT World Congress and Meetings during WSD 2017

Feb 21, 2017

July 1-9, 2017
Taipei, Taiwan
Taipei National University of the Arts

Time Event/Meeting Room
June 30
18:00 Opening Ceremony (by invitation) /
July 1
10:00 Exhibition Opening /
10:00-12:00 Executive Committee Meeting R210
July 3
13:00-18:00 World Congress
1. Organizational Reports
1.1 President Report – Louis Janssen
1.2 HQ Report – Wanjung Wei
1.3 Financial Report – OISTAT Treasurer Michael Ramsaur
2. Introduction of President and EC Candidates
2.1 President Candidates (5 mins each)
2.2 Executive Committee Candidates (5 mins each)
3. Presentation of Candidate Centre & Vote
""Presentations: 10 mins each for Candidate Centre
3.1 Associação Portuguesa de Cenografia/
Portuguese Association of Scenography (Portugal)
3.2 Asociación OISTAT España/ Association OISTAT Spain (Spain)""
4. Reports of OISTAT Chairs
4.1 OISTAT Architecture
4.2 OISTAT Education
4.3 OISTAT Performance Design
4.4 OISTAT Publication and Communication
4.5 OISTAT Research
4.6 OISTAT Technology
5. Statutes Revision & Vote
International Conference Hall
July 4
13:00-16:00 World Congress
6. WSD2021 Proposals
7. New Business
8. Election of President and Executive Committee
International Conference Hall
16:30-17:30 Executive Committee meeting R210
17:30-18:30 Executive Committee/ Governing Board meeting R210
July 5
10:00-13:30 OISTAT Performance Design Meeting R211
14:00-16:00 OISTAT Publication & Communication Meeting C205
  OISTAT Education Meeting C206
  OISTAT Costume Design Group Meeting C204
16:30-18:30 OISTAT Architecture Meeting C205
  OISTAT Technology Meeting C206
19:30 Awards Ceremony
- OISTAT Awards
- Theatre Architecture Competition
- Technical Invention Prize
Concert Hall
July 6
10:00-12:00 OISTAT Research Meeting C204