
2017 Lighting Design Sub-commission Meeting Minutes

Jul 6, 2017

Michael Ramsaur

The Performance Design Commission re-established the former lighting design working group as a Lighting Design Sub-Commission, to exist and continue with the existing leadership.  According to the newly accepted statutes creating sub-commissions, leadership needed to be elected. Because Nick Moran and Kimmo Karjunen the current lighting leadership could not be present at this WSD meeting, the formal election should take place at a future meeting of the sub-commission.

Former head of the lighting design group Henk van Der Geest gave a report to the Performance Design Commission, including information about Light Spot that he presented at the previous PQ. 

Two future meetings of the Lighting Sub-commission were announced and described by Michael Ramsaur. One meeting in conjunction with the ScandLight conference on 4-6 June 2018 with the topic of "the Art of Lighting" www.scandlight.nu, and one to be scheduled in Guangzhou China in 2019 in conjunction with a Stage Lighting Museum being established on the campus of the Lighting Manufacturer Golden Sea http://xgxfcm.com/plus/view.php?aid=242 . The plan is that this meeting of the OISTAT Lighting Design Sub-commission will be scheduled to coincide with the GET Expo or the PALM Expo both held in China. More information about exact dates will be forth coming when these two Expos establish their dates in 2019.

The Chair of Performance Design commission and Artistic Director of the Prague Quadrennial Marketa Trösterova-Fantova announced that activities at the Prague Quadrennial 2019 will reemphasize lighting at the PQ by continuing the successful 36Q° lighting and digital design project at the PQ. She indicated the eagerness of PQ organizers to present more lighting activities and to work with the OISTAT lighting Sub-Commission 

Following the Performance Design Commission meeting, a group of lighting interested people met at WSD as the new Lighting Sub-commission. They reaffirmed that the group did indeed desire to become a sub-commission of the Performance Design Commission. As the lighting meeting was only scheduled a week earlier, the majority of time was spent on introductions of those present and the possibilities of future meetings. Flyers for the ScandLight Malmo gathering were distributed as well as brochures for the Golden Sea Stage Lighting Museum meeting.  Shoko Matsumoto announced the publication of her recently published book "Art of lighting". Jan Rolník spoke of the need to address digital design, projection and new media technologies. Michael Ramsaur urged the group to pursue young colleagues to get involved with leadership.

Since OISTAT announced a 50 year anniversary celebration to be held in Cardiff Wales, UK August 30-September 2, a meeting and the possibility of presentations will be proposed. In addition, possibilities of informal gatherings at LDI in Las Vegas, and Pro Light and Sound in Frankfurt, light in London were also presented as possibilities for informal and social gatherings.  Members were also encouraged to use the OISTAT Lighting Facebook group to communicate with each other. 

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