
Invitation to OISTAT Architecture Commission Online Meeting 2020

May 30, 2020

Dear All,

OISTAT Architecture Commission will be holding a video conference meeting at 1600h (Central European Standard time) on Friday 19 June. This is in place of the meeting which was to have been held in the Netherlands, which was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. This will be my last meeting as chair.

The meeting will include the election of a new chair, which will be organised electronically by OISTAT HQ. If you plan to join the meeting please fill out the registration form before June 12 to confirm your attendance. You will then be sent a link for the meeting.

I am attaching a meeting agenda. This includes our customary slot at the end of the meeting for presentation of projects by members. If you would like to present something please email me with some details of your project. Presentations should be no more than 10 minutes long and we will only have time for 3 or 4 presentations so if there is a lot of interest I may have to decide which ones to take.

I hope you will be able to join us. Please register now.

Best wishes

Tim Foster
Chair of OISTAT Architecture Commission