
Sound Kitchen 2015 at Prague Quadrennial

Dec 10, 2014

Call for Entries

Prague Quadrennial calls for composers, sound designers, and sound artists to join the Sound Kitchen event, which will be held in the frame of the Prague Quadrennial 2015. The Sound Kitchen is open to the public and provides a space for presentations, exchange, discussion and brainstorming among sound professionals. The Sound Kitchen is coordinated by OISTAT Sound Design Working Group and Prague Quadrennial.

Dr Karen Lauke, the Sound Kitchen curator, invites all interested practitioners to submit proposals for maximum 20 minute compositions, sound art, sound installations or sound design pieces to be played/performed live (using a laptop computer, live instruments, self-built or circuit-bent electronics, smartphone, tablet computer, etc).

We especially encourage (but are not limited to) applications which reflect the following:

When? June 22 – 24, 2015

Where? One of the Prague Quadrennial main venues - TBC

How to apply? Please fill out the applicant form HERE, by January 15, 2015. Successful applicants will be informed before the end of January 2015.

Please note:

The following equipment will be provided by the organizers:

For further information please contact: Jan Mocek, PQ Program Coordinator, jan.mocek@pq.cz.

During Prague Quadrennial 2011, Steve Brown (former PQ Sound Curator/Head of Sound at Royal Exchange Theatre, UK) devised The Sound Kitchen, an event that offered an opportunity for sound designers and sonic artists to present sound works and presentations. Sadly, Steve is no longer with us, but we are carrying out the 2015 event in his memory. 

Dr Karen Lauke is a professional composer, sound artist and designer. Her research focus is primarily in experimental music and sound for theatre, installation, live performance and exhibition. Karen’s work seeks to explore the multi-disciplinary relationship between musical composition, text, space and the visual image.