
Call for Candidates for the Chair of OISTAT Research Commission

Sep 16, 2014

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to officially call for Candidates for the Chair of OISTAT Research. The election will be held in June, 2015 at the Research meeting held during Prague Quadrennial. OISTAT Centre and Individual members are encouraged to submit nominations to Headquarters at headquarters@oistat.org. Nomination deadline is February 13th, 2015. Invitation to Research Meeting will be sent early 2015.

OISTAT Research focuses on promoting international collaboration in research around history, theory and practice in theatre. We would like to thank the current Chair Dorita Hannah for her achievement that opened up various possibilities for OISTAT Research. We believe the succeeding Chair will lead the commission with same success.

The Candidate nominations from OISTAT Centres should include a letter from the Centre, the candidate’s CV and the candidate’s statement of intent. Nominations of Individual Members should include a letter of nomination from a peer OISTAT member, the candidate’s CV and the candidate’s statement of intent.

The Chair of OISTAT Research is the member of OISTAT Governing Board (GB). Governing Board members shall work under the auspices of the Congress and not as representatives of their OISTAT Centres and shall meet with Executive Committee at least once a year, not including its meeting at the Congress. The Chair of OISTAT Research shall also organize commission meetings at least once a year to discuss projects, commission affairs and collaborations with other commissions or working groups.  

Guidelines for election of Chairs of Commissions can be found in OISTAT Statutes-Appendix 2,


A general schedule for elections which ensures continuity and complies with the Statutes shall be made by the Executive Committee.

1.      Members of OISTAT Centres and Individual Members are eligible to be elected as Chair of a Commission.
2.      At least six months before a Commission meeting takes place at which a Chair is to be elected, the EC will ask the OISTAT Centres and Individual Members to nominate candidates for the post of Chair of the Commission in question.
3.      The OISTAT Centres and Individual Members should send names and addresses of possible candidates to the EC within two months.
4.      The EC will appoint one or more persons who will contact the persons in question for further information.
5.      This list will be made public at least two months before the Commission meeting at which the election is to take place.
6.      Only delegates of the OISTAT Centres and Individual Members attending that Commission meeting will be entitled to vote.
7.      The election takes place by secret ballot. Each voting delegate has one vote.
8.      The candidate who has the highest number of votes cast, provided that these are more than half of the votes cast, will become Chair.
9.      If such a result is not obtained during the first election, then a second election will be held between the two candidates with the highest number of votes. If two candidates have equally received the second highest number of votes, then an election shall first be held between these two candidates.
10.    If there is an even number of voting delegates for an election, in order to prevent a tie vote, an attending member from the EC will also cast a vote.
11.    After the Chair has been elected, one or more Vice-Chairman will be chosen.
12.    Should the Chair resign or otherwise leave office during his/her term of office, the Commission will by the same procedures appoint an Interim Chair to hold office until the next scheduled election or until its next meeting.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your recommendations and nominations.

Louis Janssen            Kathy Hong
OISTAT President       Executive Director