
Call for Papers|Performance Design Futures Symposium 2025

Dec 10, 2024

Performance Design Futures Symposium 2025
Friday 21– Sunday 23 February

Performance Design Futures 2025 is an international academic symposium organized by OISTAT Cyprus Centre, CYCSTAT (the Cyprus Centre of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians).

This international symposium builds on Performance Design Futures 2022, and will take place in Artos House in Nicosia, Cyprus, between 21-23 February 2025 . CYCSTAT aims to generate a dialogue between key performance designers and performing arts practitioners on issues concerning the southern Mediterranean region and the Middle East, in perspective of conflict and displacement.

Call for Papers:
Scenographies of the Here and Now: Navigating Conflict, Division, and Displacement 

This three-day Symposium will explore scenographic practices in relation to conflict displacement, and collective memory.

In the 21st century, conflict and division have continued to influence various aspects public and artistic life, and as conflicts in the Middle East and Europe escalate, they have become a central point of reference. New forms of participation, protest, and solidarity have challenged institutional structures. The arts have the ability not only to highlight crises and divisions but also to explore ways to build communities through shared values and social models.

What does the large-scale movement of people across regional, national and continental borders imply for performance? What type of theatre is emerging in the context of conflict and displacement? How are performance traditions affected as they cross these borders And how does performance maintain connections among communities dispersed by conflict?

We welcome contributions on the themes but not limited to:
● Scenographies of care and resistance
● Borders, Boundaries, Edges
● Theatre in conflict zones, refugee camps and other areas of displacemet
● Dramaturgies of memory
● Dramaturgies of conflict inflicted spaces
● Embodied materialities
● Investigative scenography and forensic architecture
● Political acts of scenography
● Objects and materialities of war

We invite proposals of 250 words for papers of 20 minutes, performative presentations or workshops, from researchers and practitioners. Please submit an abstract, title and a short biography to performancedesignfutures@gmail.com  by 9 January 2025

Curatorial team:
Mariza Bargilly, Scenographer/ Visual Artist
Eleni Ioannou, Performance Designer
Dr Marina Hadjilouca, Performance Designer and Academic