Dear Members,
Election for OISTAT Space Design Sub-Commission Chair will take place at OISTAT Online World Congress during October 8-13, 2021. The Headquarters has received one nomination: Ms. Jennifer Rose Ivey (USA). We would like to take this opportunity to introduce her below.
On June 13, 2019, the Statutes of OISTAT was ratified at OISTAT World Congress that all active members of the sub-commission, who are in a way a member of OISTAT, have voting rights. Each active member of the sub-commission has a full vote.
According to OISTAT Statutes, an active member of a sub-commission should be in anyway a member of OISTAT. Each sub-commission may add additional criteria on the qualification of active member. (See the Appendix 2 in OISTAT Statutes for detailed rules for the election.)
The criterion of active member in Space Design sub-commission is attending at least one Space Design sub-commission meeting, either virtually or in-person, within the past two years.
Candidate: | |
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Jennifer Rose Ivey USA Statement of Intent CV Nominated by: Jennifer Rose Ivey Letter of Nomination |
Thank you for your support of OISTAT. We look forward to seeing you at OISTAT Online World Congress this year!
Wan-Jung Wei
Executive Director
International Organisation of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians
Organisation Internationale des Scenografes, Techniciens et Architectes de Theatre
Suite L, Center for Innovation Taipei (CIT), No.1, Yumen St., Taipei 10452, Taiwan
Tel: +886 2 25962294 Fax: +886 2 25981647
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